Cheshire FM phone in

I thought I would post this on here as I have just seen it on Connett Fc’s forum and not here so not sure if they are just trying to get more of their fans to phone in by not letting us know…

A new programme starts this Friday on 92.5 CheshireFM.

The Mid-Cheshire Football Phone-In will be live on air every Friday evening between 6 and 7pm. As the name suggests this is a phone-in!!! We want to hear your views on the team, how they have played in recent matches, what you think needs to change and how you would go about it!!!

We will be taking calls from fans of all our local clubs and also inviting along studio guests includings fans, managers, officials and other guests.

Ways to listen;
92.5 FM across the Mid-Cheshire area or online at

Ways to make your point;
Phone: 01606 555 925 (the best way)
Text: 60300 (start your message with CHESHIRE then your point and your name)

Texts cost 25p plus your network charge.

Start preparing your points - we look forward to hearing from you!!!

It’s advertised on our front page…

Don’t forget that the phone-in starts tonight at 6 on 92.5 CheshireFM - you can also listen online at

Are you happy with the way the season has started?
How are the new signings settling in?
What was the game against Buxton like on Tuesday?
Why is Warlow not scoring?
Was Barras the right choice as club captain?
Who do you fear most as competition for the title?
Will Albion win the league this year?

Make your point;

Phone 01606 555 925

Text 60300 (start your message with the word CHESHIRE)


Studio guests tonight are; Mark Loveless (Winsford United Chairman), Peter Grimes (Northwich Vics Supporter) and Andy Chadwick (Witton Albion Supporter)!

See you tonight at 6!

Nice work Mr Chadwick, for anyone who didn’t listen to Cheshire FM this evening, Andy did a very credible job on the opening night of the phone-in.

I agree, awesome job… great phone in aswell enjoyed it.

[color=red]COME ON WITERRRRRNNNNNNN!!![/color]

That was quick, it’s only just finished!!!

Am i famous now?!

It was indeed a good phone-in, considering its competition is Century FM’s ‘Legends’ show.

Great to hear how despondent the V*cs fans are, but I will pose a question to you all, if you were a fan following that team (which you all obviously wouldn’t), would you be calling for the managers head after only 7 games in-charge?

Robbo, you are famous mate, did it feel good. :wink:

Thanks for the comments regarding the phone-in. Andy was a great studio guest, thanks to him for coming into the studio. Thanks also for the calls and texts.

We will always be looking for fans to come in during the season, so if you fancy yourself as a football pundit drop us a message through the website or via this message board.

It was week one so it will take a little bit of time for the format to come together and to attract more input from listeners. We need your calls so don’t just sit and listen pick up the phone or send us a text. The more the better!

Thanks a lot for tuning in, the fact that we have a local non-league phone-in for an hour every week is a great bonus for local football and hopefully it will grow in to becoming a really good listen.
