Chris Gahgan

I’ve not seen him playing or seen his name on any of the team sheets for a while and wondered if he was still with us ??? Maybe he is injured ??? He was in good form and playing well for us :-

He didn’t play last night. However during the warm-up it looked like he and Adam Foy we having some fitness tests, so his injury was obviously enough to keep him out of action for last night, but maybe he will get a recall on Saturday against Whitby. Having said that, Mark Peers looked back to his best last night, so Chris has a fight on his hands.

have a look at the Reserve Team match report section v Barnton.

i think chris should be in the first team… not the reserves! he was banging them in before he gt dropped!

whats wrong with playing chris and peersy in the same team? two flankers that can do a hell of a lot of damage when operating on their own! imagine having two of em operating! then move stevie into the middle and then youve got a huge dilemma of who you drop out of rob lloyd or alex brown! its a toughie but whatever mister vinceio decides im sure itll be the right decision, gaghan or peers comin off the bench ent a bad sub to be havin now is it??? Come on Witton!

Players fighting for a place in the starting line-up is only good news. I have said all season when we stretch teams with the width we are awesome coming forward, Jim’s job (and he has got it spot on so far), is to decide when we need more strength in the middle of the park.

In recent games we have been involved in some real battles and flooding the midfield is perhaps the better option than width (also taking into account that both Gaghan and Peers have not been fit at the same time)!

The great news is that if need be we can change a game through bringing one of these lads on. Look at last night, Griff went off so we brought on the in-experienced (lol) Mike Moseley who was absolutely superb.

Strength in depth I think they call it!

Got it in one Rabbit!!! We have a lot of games to play before May, we need ALL the players we have.