christmas present

Congratulations to Jim, Benny and all management teams in their award "Club of the Month" knowing Jim I am sure he would swap it for three more points !!! It is a great club to be involved with and this is showing at all levels of the set up.

here,here ;D

roll on monday ;D

Not bad for relegation candidates two weeks ago!!!<br>WHS

WHS your boring us now with summit that was said ages ago. Lets luck to the future not behind.<br> [smiley=dunno.gif] >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Give a dog a bone and he won’t let go.

youve seen his missus as well then

no need to be offensive :-X He’s entitiled to his opinion just wish he wouldn’t keep put the same opinion on every thread!!!

was hoping he would see the funny side unlike youself. how where the 3 ghosts this christmas?

The Spirits have been fantastic this Christmas thanks [smiley=cheezy.gif]