Coach To Kendal

Providing there is sufficient interest, there will be a supporters coach running for the trip to Kendal on Sat 27th Jan.<br><br>The coach will leave from the Memorial Hall at 11.30am (allowing plenty of time for breakfast in Penny Black beforehand), and will be priced at ?12.<br><br>If people could make their interest known either on this forum, or by contacting Andy Chad.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Should there be a replay on Saturday, there will also be a coach running to Rushden on the Tuesday night, leaving Wincham Park at 3pm. Cost TBC.

Not had much response to this posting so far. If you intend to travel with us then we must have your names by half time on Saturday.

Think of it as a Gretna replacement trip (hic!)

Well i’m going!!

Me and Mike Blundell. I will need to confirm with Stu and Greg, but i’m sure they are up for it too.

Taking coaches to games shows we are no mugs, and that we have a good following. It’s decent support to the team so everyone who is thinking about it should do what they can to make it another great away day.