Confirmed News

I will be willing to stump up ?50 to be a sponsor, how do I do it?<br>Alan Lowe.

I come round to your house - you give me ?50 - I give you a receipt - it’s that easy!<br><br>I’d then like you to see who else you can sell to - ie your employer etc - making more money for Witton.<br><br>GE<br>

Keep up the good work chaps and chappesses at this rate i will have a one in ten chance of winning!<br>

G.E. Will drop off acheque at the Club in the next week or so.<br>Alan Lowe.

PS My employer is Weaverham High School and Cheshire County Council so no chance there.<br>Alan Lowe.

To GE. I won’t forget, I will pay you the ?50 on about the 18th of next month when the paycheque comes in.<br>Alan.

I thought I’d resurrect this one.<br><br>The input from Witton supporters towards this Golden Launch is still far from positive. Yes we have had some supporters who have said they’ll have a go and that’s good but where are the people who can SELL a few to others?<br><br>Not interested enough? [smiley=nono.gif]<br>Leaving it to others? >:(<br><br>GE

GE,<br><br>This will only work when you get in front of people, eg at matches think we need a push at all the friendlies, ill see you at the 1st one and see if we can get a group selling this together with a leaflet, this could also be used to push the player fund donation scheme

As the allocation of sponsorships will take place on 26 July, and with the first friendly being on 20 July - there won’t be sufficient time to rally then.<br><br>GE<br>

If I didn’t have ?4000 of student debts to pay off, I’d definitely cough up some cash.<br><br>Seeing as I’m embarking on training to be an accountant, you can come back and ask me in a few seasons Graham!