Extract below taken from Congleton’s website. Shame the ex Albion player Scott Williams missed his spot kick what? Wonder whether our ex keeper Phil McGing was in goal for the Bears<br><br><br>Congleton 0-1 Northwich Vics (aet)<br>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>A spirited performance by the Bears under their new manager Paul Moore, who was animated throughout the 120 minutes. Both he and the team deserved better than the final result and should be proud of their efforts tonight. Hopefully the warm applause they received after the game should tell them the fans liked what they saw and the result wasn’t that important.<br><br>Early on the Bears created the best of the chances, only for Northwich to come on strong later in the game.<br><br>Not much between the two sides but Congleton can feel themselves unlucky to have conceded eight minutes into the second period of extra time.<br><br>It could all have been so different had Scott Williams converted a last minute penalty in normal time, only to see the ball come back across the face of goal having hit the inside of the post. Unfortunately Scott was unable to guide the ball into the net on the rebound. But he shouldn’t worry to much about that as it was the standard of the performance and the hunger in the players to compete all over the field that mattered to most.<br><br>Even then it could still have gone to penalties after the Northwich 'keeper made an excellent fingertip save to turn a looping header over the bar with just seconds of extra time remaining.<br><br>Several new players drafted in quickly by the new manager looked quality, especially the No. 7 who was a real live wire.<br><br>If we can carry that into the final few league games of the season we should worry a few of the top sides never mind the ones near the bottom.<br><br>Well done Bears!! Keep it up…

Yes Phil McGing was in goal.<br>Shame it didn’t go to penalties as PHIL MCGING IS KING!<br> [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]

do we know wot sort of team Vics put out? not a very good sign for them if it was a strong one!! :slight_smile:

Connett, Byrne, Bailey, Garvey, Mayman, Ennion, Dyson, K. McCarthy, Royle, Foran, Garner. Subs Jones, Bingham and Richards.

kyle dyson, dean ennion and andy jones all played for witton reserves this season, what’s going on there then??<br><br> [smiley=dunno.gif] [smiley=dunno.gif]

They moved. :stuck_out_tongue:

They certainly did along with four others. But their registrations are still also held by Witton at both UniBond & Mid-Cheshire leagues. We have never received a seven day notice of approach for any of them and now understand that another player Tom Rowlands has also joined them. Again he is also on a UniBond form<br><br>The day of reckoning is nigh and their actions therefore may soon come home to haunt them!!

They all left with the old mgr, seen them all many times and imo only kyle dyson would have a chance of witton 1st team, the others are decent but not good enough, so no massive loss, the new res mgr at witton seems well balanced and the new players brought in look promising several of them are worth a look in the future, its up to gary now if hes interested - id certainly rather see youth given a chance if they are good enough rather than old pros on big wages struggling through games, its funny how 18-19 year olds can get in premiership teams but it seems that is to young for unibond prem ? i always feel a good mix of youth and experience is the best approach, but i suppose garys jobs on the line if he fails and is trying to not take risks?

[quote]Connett, Byrne, Bailey, Garvey, Mayman, Ennion, Dyson, K. McCarthy, Royle, Foran, Garner. Subs ?Jones, Bingham and Richards.[/quote]<br><br> MAYMAN was the only player who played against Congleton that started at Carlisle last saturday!! The team was mainly fringe/reserve players and some of the acadamy lads also had a run out. Should be a close final if we play the same team, good also to see witton players progressing to our reserve set up!! wafc the NVFC feeder club!! long may it continue.

So we can look forward to playing Congleton in the final if NVFC have played all these ineligible players, trust the Mid Cheshire FA have been informed.

Taking are rejects Greenun?