Just like to offer my congratulations to our groundstaff who finished 5th in the Evo Stick league for the best kept pitch in 2011/2012 season. Those that finished in the top 4 must have gone some to beat Witton’s pitch. Does anyone know who they were? Well done to all involved the pitch was a credit to you all. Not bad for a “swamp”!!! SBL

Congratulations too all, excellent effort. Am amazed too though at us being 5th, I can’t belive there were five better surfaces in that league last season :unsure:

Edit - four better surfaces before anyone says anything! :blush:

Our Ground-staff are without doubt the “Bee’s Knees”!

on wittons offical statement about the award, it says that peter struggles
with is joints, i wouldnt have thought he would struggle with all that
grass about?. :whistle:

congrats all round for this award, but am surprised we were’t placed higher.