Curzon Ashton vs Witton Albion

Team News: New signings Ashley Stott and Lee Pugh are handed their debuts by Paul Ogden, with Stott starting up front alongside Andy Kinsey, and Pugh looking to form a good relationship with Matty Wood down the left. Peter Heler reprises his role in central midfield, whilst Brian Pritchard returns to the bench.

Starting XI: M. Cooper; M. Holt, B. Harrison, I. Kearney, M. Wood; J. Hancock, P. Heler, D. MacPherson, L. Pugh; A. Kinsey, A. Stott.

Substitutes: C. Frost, B. Pritchard, S. Moffat, E. Ledwards, C. Miller.


Curzon Ashton 0-0 Witton Albion


CURZON ASHTON 1-0 Witton Albion


J. Hancock off

C. Frost on


CURZON ASHTON 2-0 Witton Albion


Curzon Ashton 2-0 Witton Albion

Not very good watching.

We had the best chances in the first half, and could/should have gone in 2-0 up, according to another ex Witton Albion manager I was sat next to.

For once this season, the second half got worse, rather than better. There first goal came from a free kick that was going well wide. It came to an unmarked player who couldn’ believe his luck at the far post. I think he was unmarked, as he looked in an offside position.

On came Carl Frost, and we showed more urgency as usual, but with no end result. We also went 3 at the back, throwing Matty Wood forward, who nearly chipped the keeper, but in the end it was well saved.

Cavell Coo came on for them late on. A surging run down their right, Ben Harrison did well to get a sliding tackle in, but some how the ball did not go out, and Cavell was able to bring the ball into the penalty area unchallenged, before laying it on for their new signing to tap home.

The new signings did not improve the team, with Ashley Stott missing a sitter in the first half. Lee Pugh showed us he had a long throw, but little else.

Both teams will struggle this season as neither have any bite up front. Although Matty Wood has done OK at full back, we need to replace him and play him on the wing. At least this will give our attack some sadly lacking pace. We also need Mike Moseley back sooner rather than later.

Very poor reaction time,inaccurate passes and too much dithering .A very uncomfortable watching.I think we are kissing promotion goodbye again this season.
Good job emoticons are not loading .

Thatched was spot on, the forward line is looking well below standard . In my opinion in the games Ive seen they dont put pressure on the defense enough ,they dont hound them into making mistakes, and more evidently there is noone following up on the second ball, or loose ball. Its very flat and frustrating to watch. Again Im not saying its lack of effort , but up front its no where near good enough at the moment especially with the long pre season we had to prepare.

Just worried that we are signing ‘loads’ of players a bit like last year!! Hopefully we will get a settled side!!!

With Mr Ogden in charge the one thing you won’t have is a settled side. I was hoping he may have changed but his answer seems still to be a change of personnel and to bring them straight into the first eleven without any gradual integration or assessment.

Not sure why the team that finished and played so well 2nd half on Monday was altered to be honest. Smith didn’t figure in the 15 after imo changing the game on Monday.

Stott looked useful, positional wise, but not sharp and probably not match fit yet, should have had a brace 1st half.

Kearney was the mom for me, and should have had a penalty - ref stood 5 yards away looking at him being held in the box.

We weren’t tight enough, incisive enough or creative enough after the first 20 mins and the passing was poor.

Lets bounce back on Wednesday with 3 points - Up the Albion!

Oh Dear ! not the start we expected maybe should have stayed in the south, seriously though this is a bit worrying, but im not convinced the answer is to keep signing more players of the same quality and hoping for something better to happen, we need to sort our shape out, work on the discipline of being hard to beat and just look to improve the forward line over time, maybe thats what Oggie is doing ? I did not go to the match so cannot comment specifically just my opinion based on the games ive seen so far plus comments from respected fans on here, it looks likely we will not be challenging though which is a bit dissapointing ! given that everything else seems to be going well at the club.

I also couldn’t attend yesterday so can’t comment on the performance. The one thing I would say is that I didn’t expect to be challenging this season considering we have started again with new players etc, so was surprised when Oggy said that he expects to finish in the play offs.

However Oggy needs to be positive because if he doesn’t set his sights high then the high will never be reached.

I would be happy with a top half finish and a team that stays together for the start of next season. Oggy is still looking for the players he needs, thats obvious because of the chopping and changing that has been going on.

I predict that he will find the right formula and players very soon and we will get a run of good results. From the games I have seen so far the effort definately looks to be there.

Up the albs!

Have just done a quick calculation regarding the players this season. Since the opening game against Garforth on Saturday, 21st August upto & including yesterday at Curzon we have used 21 players.

Has anybody heard of how Paul Booth is recovering from his op and when he is likely to be back. I would like him back playing alongside Kearney. Although Ben Harrison has done really well for a young lad I have been told that he is a far better player up front so maybe we should try him there ?

Paul Booth signed for Leek Town a couple of weeks back.

Really dissapointed with our recent 3 displays to be honest. I can’t fault the effort of the team but the balance in midfield and up front seems wrong to me. I think its down to lacking pace in these areas.Like everyone else would love to see Matt Wood further forward with the lad Ledwards at left back.Would like to see Stott and Smith up front who I think would put more pressure on opposing defences. I think the new lad Pugh deserves a go and if its true that Ben Harrison can play up front then maybe he could do a Peter Crough role? Frosty is great coming off the bench but I take it he can’t do a full ninety yet?? As I say can’t fault the work rate and the committment but maybe Oggie just needs to do changes with the personnel we already have at the club rather than recruiting from outside. Onward and upward I’m sure Oggie will get it right in the end but we may have to be patient!!

Hope you are not writing off the ugly Special One ,Yazzy.I feel he still has some mileage/milage left.The legend is going to go on for a little longer.

No way am I writing Pritch off. I would prefer the Pritch/Kearney partnership every game without doubt. I was disappointed to see Pritch not playing on Saturday at Curzon he would have made a big difference…he is wasted stood at the sidelines as he still does have so much to offer !