Darrel Dicken

According to the Leek Town website, D.Dicken has signed from Witton. Is this correct?<br><br>

Apparently so

Not according to my records

:o This is what Mike Cope (Leek Town’s director of football?) has to say on the subject on the Leek Town forum …<br><br>[quote] Leek Town forum

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:35 pm
Post subject: Darrel Dicken

Hi everybody

Darrel Dicken has not signed for the club - YET.

We are trying to sign him but Witton are, at the moment, refusing to release his registration.

We have been negotiating with them for some time now but the situation has still not been resolved.

Darrel hasn’t figrured in the Witton side for over six weeks now and apparently the Albion Chairman told him he would be released.

However, this hasn’t happened despite the two Chairmen agreeing.

The stumbling block now appears to be that the Albion want seven days notice serving for Dicken to ensure that we do not go back to them within 28 days for another of their players.

There is good logic in this but, we can’t put seven days in for Dicken because we already have done earlier in the season and FA rules say that we can’t serve another notice for the same player in the same season.

Witton say they didn’t receive the notice despite the fact it was sent by recorded delivery as required by FA rules.

We would be more than willing to put in another 7 days but by doing so we would be in breach of FA rules.

The most likely solution is for us to give an undertaking to Witton that we will not try and sign another player from their club within 28 days.

Our Chairman has agreed to do this.

Best wishes

Mike [/quote]<br>

A good thing or a bad thing to lose Darrel? on his day good enough to be in any team, but should you have to wait for those days so long? brilliant for 10 games absent for 20… mixed feelings about this one had he been 22 not 3…2 ish sorry not sure about his age I would have been gutted but having a new manager that is working the squad very hard from what I hear its not a big surprise to me that Darrel is the first to jump ship

darrel dicken what a player. he played his first game for us today and he was brilliant should you have let him go?

Good player but a bit like Mr Clegg a discipline nightmare!

Yes, no regrets in my opinion.<br>I’d rather watch Stevie Connors anyday.