Deleted topic

As most users are probably aware I try to have an extremely ‘light touch’ approach to moderation, however in the light of information contained in Robbo’s last post I have deleted a topic from this forum.

Anyone wanting to comment in general terms about the appalling event that happened earlier this week can of course do so in the ‘Miscellaneous’ section of the Boardroom, however any posts mentioning the club or individuals will be deleted as soon as I see them, and I would request any moderators to do this as well should it be necessary.

What have I missed?

Good decision by Mike T, there was a serious danger of something being said that might have led to litigation.

Nothing sinister going on. Simply that this is now in the hands of the police, therefore there should be no further comment on here.

Fair enough. As if this week could get any worse Everton go and release a total disgrace of a new badge… Football really can let you down!

This forum is getting depressing! think i’ll log in again in august.

On a plus point the new England kits are well smart…

Teacher says to class, “What do you know about Jesus”? Young Tommy says “He was born in a stable sir.” “That’s right” says the teacher. Young Jimmy says “He was crucified on a cross sir”. “That’s true too Jimmy” says the teacher. Young Danny says " He was the World’s worst driver sir." The teacher is stunned. “Where on earth did you get that idea from Danny”? “My Dad” says Danny. "Another car cut us up the other day and my Dad said, “Jesus! you must be the World’s worst driver!”
Not a good joke I know but I hope it lightens the mood.

It worked for me WHS

this one has even caused problems on the slimy 1874 site ! keep politics out of football and football out of politics, I just hope for our sake it is resolved quickly and does not upset pritchs plans in any way.