Did Dalgleish smile?

For one crazy moment on sunday,i think he did.

It comes as no surprise since his involvement that the number of x-rated challenges has shot through the roof.

The power of the corrupt media that allows incidents to be swept under the carpet,if they choose to see fit.

And I suppose all united players are angels ? Scoles has probably done the most in number of horrendous tackles but hes doent mean it of course hes just cant tackle !!! not a dirty little S*** at all, if you want to win you have to compete the only problem with Carras Tackle was that it was not on Gary Neville.
Take it you didnt enjoy the game ? I did :wink:

It’s no surprise how one-eyed the anti United element is.
When a team has been as successful as they have in recent times it’s inevitable that followers of smaller clubs look on with envy.
No one on here mentioned Luiz’s two bodychecks on Rooney and Hernandez.
There’s not as much mileage for the media when a has been like Carragher is the aggressor.
I have always thought that Dalgleish is a miserable bstrd.

King Kenny has never been able to smile since Kevin Moran smashed his jaw at Anfield back in the 80’s :wink:

Perhaps it was a bit of wind Mario ?

CJ you must have been so excited when posting your spelling and grammer are so scouse like ! :wink:

He was’nt smiling yesterday when Utd Youth team came back from 0-2 to win 3-2 !

Eli Yet another referee in Fergies back pocket, I suppose he will need that now he cannot buy titles with City And Chelski being considerably richer, enjoy it while you can with the Glazers as owners you will struggle and soon Fergie gone. :wink: