Dirty Harry - AKA P.Riley

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif] I’m sure everyone would join with me in thanking Pete Riley for everything he has done for the club in his capacity of Office Manager.<br><br>Good Wittoners doing jobs at the club are hard to come by.<br><br>The club have deemed that they can no longer afford his wages for 15 Hrs per Wk.<br><br>I just hope this isn’t a shape of things to come.<br><br>Thanks once again Pete

I just hope that the board members that made the decision fill the void - i.e. Cleaning Changing Rooms and being available at all times of day and night(when not on duty) to ensure the continual running of the club ???

No confirmation from the board members who regularly visit this site?<br><br>Maybe its our friend Emerald Hat!

The Board are fully aware of the implications, and are aware of the work put in by Peter.<br><br>However a forum of this nature is not the place to discuss an individual, who is a very committed Wittoner.