Donate by Paypal

Sorry for the delay with bringing news on this but having trouble logging onto the forum at home so had to wait until I was back in work, anyway a PAYPAL account has now been set up for any donations by credit card it is very very easy to use so wherever you are logging on from you can now make a donation to the players fund to keep this fine squad together. It is a dedicated account just for fund raising so please take a couple of minutes and send a few pounds, everytime we get around ?100 in I will transfer the money and pass it on to Andy. If you are sending money please in the comments box put your name so a list can be passed onto Andy of who has made the donations.<br><br> The address to send the money to once logged onto PAYPAL is WAFCADDICT@AOL.COM <br><br> If you have any problems or questions please feel free to e mail me on the same address. <br><br><br> On the same note I have decided to put a few things on e bay to try and raise a few extra pounds for this account I will post on here what the items are and when they go ‘live’ and up for auction. I will be looking for items too from anyone who thinks they might have something of a little value that we can auction off and boost the fund, such as old programmes etc.<br><br> Thanks for reading now start donating!!!<br><br><br> G. Pick <br><br> Don’t forget… WAFCADDICT@AOL.COM

As I said before, not happy with ebay or Paypal but I will keep donating, but I will hand my money to G.E. I will have a look for someting to put up for sale though.<br>WHS.

Thanks to Neil I’m back on line at home, a little update on donations we’ve had one supporter donating ?10 because he couldn’t make a game and thats what he would normally spend and another setting up a ?20 a month regular contribution this kind of support is fantastic and if just a few more can do the same then the limits are endless, there is no more risk using this method than drawing money out of a cash machine in fact its far safer at the moment so please don’t be put of by the previous comments every pound counts. Just a note that many of the supporters across the canal doante ?10 a month to their supporters trust so come on guys lets show them how a team still owned by the supporters should be run!!!