Enough of the rumours - here's some great news...

To add to the excellent re-signings of Mark Peers, Liam Brownhill and Alex Brown on contracts before the end-of-the season, tonight sees 4 major signings for the Albion for 2007/2008:

1 ROB LLOYD - Rob has put pen to paper and we are all delighted to secure his signature despite interest from several other clubs.

2 JON KENNEDY - Again, despite the vultures circling for his signature, Jon has committed himself to Witton for 2007/2008 and this is another significant re-capture.

3 STEVE BRODIE - Former Stalybridge striker has signed for the Albion to add his wealth of experience from League football to the ranks.

4 ANTHONY DANYLYK - Speedy winger signed from Leek Town and will be an asset to the Albion next season.

Other signings (imminent) and friendlies will be posted as soon as the ink is dry…


Excellent news

Excellent news, thanks GE.

The contract signings of Lloyd and Kennedy are massive for us. Had Lloyd have played the full season he would have challenged for Player of the Season in my eyes. Peers, Lloyd, Brown, Brodie and Danylyk all give strong options in Midfield. Don’t know much about Brodie but at 34 he brings good experience into a relatively young midfield, the fact that he has played 200+ league games speaks for itself. Danylyk was the fans player of the year at Leek, has been captain there and could quickly become a fans favourite. I believe he has a Connorsesque (new made up word) reputation for yellow and red cards, he will fit in well!

If there is a better goal keeper than Kennedy in our league next season then I will be shocked. He helped transform last season from October onwards, before his arrival we had leaked goals with Worsnop (as if you could forget we only lost the league by one goal)! JK is a real asset for us, very pleased he has stayed on.

Very good news, I would be very happy if Warlow and a proven striker are next to be added to the list!

I only have one small concern, it is going to take Greenie and Robbo the rest of the summer to pen a chant for Danylyk (at least one that is clean enough for singing)!


awesome news! especially after the texts from neil conveying conflicting messages! free texts to waste eh? lol great news cant wait for the new season even tho ill miss most of it again![br][size=1]Posted on: 22-05-2007, 22:49:13[/size][hr]o and too true bout the chant wincham rabbit! great way to end ur post! haha

In my haste I put "resigning" - a few shocked people hadnt realised I meant re-signed.
Even after uni I still can’t get my punctuation right!

Link to Stalyvegas website with Brodie’s profile;

http://www.stalybridgeceltic.co.uk/player.php?code=BRODS[br][size=1]Posted on: May 22, 2007, 11:04:11 PM[/size][hr]Brodie was Stalybridge’s Managers Player of the Season according to their message board. His goal return from midfield (with 10) was pretty good, made him their third top scorer! He can bring the striker from Stalybridge Lee Ellington with him if he fancies!

All good news, despite me having a very unhappy hour at my daughters birthday thanks to Neils text skills!!!

Well done Grae, great news, why havnt you been round for your quid?


Barras / Kearney
Fowler?! ;D

It’s shaping up rather nicely…

That is a pretty good team with hopefully a couple more additions. I believe that Jim set out last season to have a squad of 20, I doubt he is looking at doing any different this year (budget allowing)!

Not sure about the lad up front, think Fowler is past it ;D

FYI I have posted a question on the Stalybridge message board to find out more regards Brodie;

Will do the same on Leek’s board about Danylyk (when they approve my sign up). Always nice to get the opinions of the fans from where the players are coming from. Although irrespective of the opinions we will give any new player the same level of support and encouragement. Many times a player has been criticised by a club only to move on and find that it all clicks at the new club.

Happy times

Great stuff…well done to all involved ;D ;D

Post on the leek town message board enquiring regards Danylyk;


I think signing Kennedy on again is the best news I have heard in ages.

Fantastic News, but without wishing to appear boring, these players need paying!

The only way that we can sustain this level of player is for you guys to assist in any way you see fit, be it through donation/standing order/ organising and supporting functions.

Plenty of Wittoners are prepared to say we need this, that and the other but there are still some who are not prepared to do anything about it.

As an example in the close season why not put a fiver a week to one side and donate it to the fund in August?

We need to continue the work that we started last season and back Jim and his judgment to the hilt!

If anyone wants to get involved then please send me a personal message off the board.


Good idea Chad Jnr I would be more than willing to get the moths out of my wallet and donate some cash!
Setting up a standard order for £20.84 a month for 12 months means giving a total of £250 a year, if we get 20 Wittoners doing this then that will be £5,000 which will make a serious dent in the budget.

Maybe if we set up some sort of campaign to get this up and running such as getting it in pre-season programmes, Guardian, fans forum etc to get a few people signed up.

If I could get the details of where to set the standing order to then I will get it sorted. E-mail is nicklyon316@yahoo.co.uk if this cant be posted on the board for some reason.


Well done Graham for keeping us in the picture. Naturally enough all Witton supporters are perturbed at the outgoings so this is welcome news to see some incomings!! My view here is -:
Lloydie- Brilliant player will make us tick just hope he hangs on to his full time fitness and we get someone in alongside him that is a harder type midfielder with experience to complement his silky skills someone like Kevin Lynch would be ideal. Nice lad too so dead chuffed Lloydie has signed!!
Kennedy - Great must be in the top 3 goalies in the league with the lad at Fleetwood only marginally better. JK will do for me but would like to see him boss the area more but quality keeper none the less and good to see someone like him wanting to play for us.
Brodie- unknown quantity but bags of experience. as I understand it though he wanted to come and play at Witton so this can only help us. Could he be the manager on the field who shouts and lifts other players lets hope so. Good signing though.
Danylyk- Not sure about this lad. Don’t really know enough about him but if Jim thinks he’s ok then I can’t argue. Just worried about the red and yellow cards he gets. Would also have liked to have signed Dave MacPherson who I rate but no worries lets get behind the lad and see how he goes.
I think we need two more strikers and I’d like to see a classy right back but other than that we are headed in the right direction here. JV knows what he’s doing so less worried today than I was yesterday!! Would like to see Nagington, Warlow and Mike Bowler but JV has proably pencilled in the lads he wants already. Great news given me a lift well done ALL!!


[color=red]Come on WIteerrrrrnnnnnnnnn!!![/color]

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Both the Leek and Stalybridge forums have been very gracious when it comes to their comments on both Danylyk and Brodie;



It would appear from the reponses we have signed to very good players who have both picked up one of the player of the year awards at their former clubs. Hats off to Jim, Nige and the club for securing the services of these two.

Fantastic news about the players that are staying at the club, and the two new signings of Danylyk & Brodie ;D Man I`m looking forward to the start of the season !

thanx for texts neil i was sitting in a bar in athens when i got the first one. I had a few 2 many and thought we had signed a darlek. a goodnight though i managed to get most of the singing " who needs mourinho we got jim vinceo" a great couple of days apart from the result. Looking forward to when witton can get to a champions league final.