ex-players??? info??

hi,<br><br>we just signed:<br><br>Lee Spike <br><br>Kinsley Jones<br><br>Anthony Lally <br><br>Ive heard that spike and lally played for you.<br><br>whats ur opinion on the 2??? do you think they could play at conf north level??<br><br>also do you know anything about kinsley jones?? did he play for you??<br><br>cheers<br><br>

If you’ve got Anton and Spike playing together again I can guarantee a few disciplinary hearings for you this season! Both decent players though

Anton Lally very good ball player, <br>Lee Spike, Big strong target man<br>Ben "Kingsley" Jones is a fantastic forward, quick and has the knack of scoring plenty. You also have Liam McGuire strong midfield player and of course an ex manager. All the players you have signed are decent and will play well for you, good luck for the season. Really pleased that Findley left us though, not a nice man