Exciting News for Reserve Team

CheshireFL 14 teams have applied to come into the CFL. @wittonalbionfc res and @WD_CFC res are latest. #expansion #itsallcomingtogether

Just read this on Twitter, sounds like a great plan to get the Reserves playing in the Cheshire League :slight_smile: here’s hoping his happens :goal

Logistically makes perfect sense. The standard might not be as high as the Lancs league but there’s little consistency in team selection anyway, so you can be playing a bunch of kids one week, and a bunch of first teamers the next.

Couple of games coming up in April, including Workington at home, which at reserve level seems a ridiculous fixture. Lets hope there’s no delay on kick off this season so the Workington lads can get home before 1am :smiley:

Another plus for me is now that when the First Team are away i.e. Blyth etc, it means I can go watch the Reserves instead locally :slight_smile: whoever has made this decision hats off to you :slight_smile: