FA Cup Predictions Saturday 28th August

Great response from the travelling “Faithfull” and a BIG thanks to ALL for taking part , the predictions have already contributed £126 to the Developement Fund and were only 3 games in!, thanks also to Eli for organising the predictions sheets and I sincerely hope he has a great time on holiday in Madeira B).
Well what youve all been waiting for, The Wooden spooner this week is (Our) Jeff Powell with a rather large “0”, nice one Jeffers thats a first!

  1. “Gazza”,Rosie,
    2.Bulmer,Roger Hankey,Ian Watson,JE,Dave Nield,Pete Riley,
    3.Me,Shaun Carter,Mike Holman,Lenny Holman,Scott Powell,RobboNigel Riding,Bob Nancollis,“Tracey Love”,Pauline Spruce,Ronnie B,Drew,Lee(Sheffield)Andy Chad,
    4.GE,Jeff Metcalf,Butler Court,Andy Lomas,Charlie Lynes,Alan Spruce,Greg,Emma(Sheffield)Roy Sheen,Mark Harris,No Name could be yours Dodger?
    5.Flip-Flop Carter,Thomas,Chad Snr,Graham S,Tony Waterman,Ched&Co,Trev Senior,Rabbit!Dann,
  2. “Nearly Neil Wilson”:frowning:

And for the first time in prediction history with 7 out of 11 predicted correctly is Annmarie, Well done Wiffy! £45 (Less the £2 I paid out for your prediction!)will be coming your way, sorry Neil youv’e no chance of getting this one back, shes already spent it! Thanks again everyone see you Monday :slight_smile:

That cash will be straight in her purse … although come to think of it I’ve never seen her purse, does she have one?


Apparantly she keeps it in her Sewing Basket!:wink:

Pin money?