Fans information meeting Wednesday 4th Sep 7pm

The club will hold a fans information meeting at the social club this Wednesday at 7pm. Attending will be chairman Mark Harris and manager Brian Pritchard. All are welcome and questions from the floor are encouraged.

Apologies for the short notice.

Damn and blast it, I can’t make Wednesday!

Seems a bit late for all of this. Mark has already explained his decision on the podcast; what more is to be said? Wittoners are falling out left right and centre, several will no longer come to games, Witton juniors are getting abused on twitter and its just turned into one massive clusterfuck in my opinion.
With the FC game on Tuesday, doing the reserves on Thursday and the sportsmans dinner friday not sure I can make it on Weds but is there really anything new to be said? Sick and tired of it all to be honest.

Oh yeah, because an unofficial podcast is really a formal statement that explains to the wider world what’s going on!?

Sadly, I can’t attend on Wednesday either because I’m on call this week…

Strikes me that if the club had just sacked Tuck in the close season when he was found guilty, it would have all been done and dusted. No divisions, no people not turning up to matches, no people being abused, no distractions from what’s going on on the pitch. Massive own goal.

[quote=“lurker” post=51357]Oh yeah, because an unofficial podcast is really a formal statement that explains to the wider world what’s going on!?

So how is him repeating it to 40 people in the club going to make any difference? is that more official?

My point is that pretty much everyone knows whats going on. This meeting wont change that and is liable to end up in a massive slanging match between the two ‘sides’

Nothing unofficial about the podcast! Its done with the backing of the chairman, and It also followed on from two formal statements that appeared on the official website.
Can you not be on call whilst at the meeting? Seems to me that you will come on here and voice your opinion but won’t take one of the numerous chances to speak to the board/management directly. Easy to criticise from afar but take the time to speak to people and they may just explain one or two things that you didn’t realise.
And to say there would be no divisions if the club had sacked him is a very blinkered view. No matter what the club did in response to this it was going to be criticised. Damned if they do damned if they don’t. It’s simply a case of personal choice now. Either you back the clubs decision or you don’t. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and nobody is right or wrong. We should stop trying to convince each other to change our stance and move forward either as part of the club or not. Players come and go but this club has been around longer than any of us.

Attendances are down, we’ve lost some great fans and people seem to want to lose more? How is that moving forward, if we lose more fans more players will need to be released.

  1. The Fans Information Night will change nothing; Tuck shouldn’t have been played before a formal public written statement had been made which included justification for the board’s decision.

  2. I’m trying to force the board’s hand by trying to make them remember the scope of their responsibilities as directors of a public limited company. It is my opinion that they have overstepped the mark in supporting Tuck in court, and in what seems to be choosing to rehabilitate him.

  3. No, sadly I can’t be on call more than 5 minutes from home.

  1. I agree that statement is late however I also know that there are reasons why.

  2. is a public forum the best way to do this? Surely speaking to the board directly would be a better option? That way the information can be two way

  3. fair enough!

I have never expressed my opinion on here either way as to my personal feelings however I have spoken to the chairman, board members and I will be speaking to the lad himself if and when the opportunity lends itself.