Fantastic game at WP -v- Carlisle

What a fantastic game at WP tonight, a great advert for Conference football and two excellent goals from Vics,one that would win goal of the month in the premiership.Although Carlisle had more overall possession and deserved their lead Vics showed that we are made stronger stuff this season and on this showing will hold our own comfortably.The 4 new signings made last week have really made us a reasonabe outfit,even the witton stewards were foaming at the mouth such was the quality of both teams. Vics deserved the standing ovation from our 800+ fans at the end, roll on Exeter, with performances like this and the team likely to improve we should have 2000 fans at the VS when we move there. Incidentally match sponsor tonight was a certain Hallmark ltd!!! the takeover is about to be finalised.

I understand from a police officer that there were over 1200 from Carlisle. <br><br>What good supporters you Vics fans are, loyal to your manager who is clearly working his butt off, but you lot have so much to say and so few of you turn out to support his team. Loyal supporters!<br><br>Mind you it must be difficult for you when Stone and Nuttall tell you nothing. <br><br>Have they held a meet the fans event at the start of the season?<br><br> Have they updated you on the position of the takeover or what his happening to the derelict building site?

Another pathetic reply hippo! CUFC website messageboard and Radio Cumbria indicate about 1000 fans travelled last night,I would not disagree with that and the general opinion amongst Vics fans was that we had around 800 fans present indeed the figure we’ve had at the other two opening league games at WP.Difference this time is we played alot better so let’s hope we can keep the 800 at least, whilst we’re at WP. Not sure which police officer made the guess but clearly he has no experience of WP in terms of crowd capacities etc as very rarely do we have police present at our matches.<br> Problem you have hippo,is that what YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAPPEN TO VICS and WHAT IS AND WILL HAPPEN TO VICS are world’s apart. You are obviously very bitter and jealous of our far superior status and like to decry us much as you can, only you and a few other wittoners appear concerned about our takeover, our supporters are content with the situation and we all respect the board’s wishes that the takeover details cannot be revealed until the legal documentation is complete,which is now very close.The only time our fans became alarmed was when pathetic spoof messages were posted on our site from non- Vics fans,however that has been dealt with and fans are being told the current situation via- official news articles.<br> As for lasting until end of sept, last nights gate receipts alone would be ?15,000 +, with similar receipts against Exeter and Hereford the total of the 3 games will be more than your total gate receipts all sesaon including the rent from us!!!-- altough I accept your wage is bill is paltry compared to ours, however I’m sure we’ll still be around come October, especially if Mr C fancys sponsoring more games!!!<br><br>THE GREEN INVASION IS TAKING SHAPE.

P.S Meet the fans night’s are very unprofessional and do not happen at our level of football. Can you imagine Liverpool or the Man U board having a ‘meet the fans night’!!! For little clubs like yourselves then maybe a good idea to keep a nice little cosy environemnt but not appropraite at Conf level, I also fully expect Vics to become even more professional when the new board takes over, this in my opinion is more good news and will take us into the next eire with big expectations and make us a club bigger,better and more equipped to make an impact in the Conference.

[quote] ? Meet the fans night’s are very unprofessional [/quote]<br>[quote] at our level of football. Can you imagine Liverpool or the Man U board having a ‘meet the fans night’!!! [/quote]<br><br>No JGG you just hire the back room of a pub and then the manager doesn’t even turn up (can you blame him) how professional.<br><br>and I don’t think ‘our level of football’ should be used in the same paragraph as Liverpool or Man U…do you??<br><br>

Hippo was referring to a meet the fans night with the board. You are referring to a meet the’ manager 'night- to discuss football issues I presume - totally different!! In any event it was our official supporters trust group that invited our manager to one of the meetings which he did eventually attend, NOT the board inviting the fans to meet them. Easily confused eh!!

Actually, Red and White Blood is referring to the night planned for the Black Greyhound, who then decided the room wasn’t available for you anyway - meet Shaun Teale I’m sure it was.<br><br>See, you lot can’t organise anything.

What’s with the picture??<br><br><br>Do we have to place a cross where we think the crowd might be??

j g g, <br> (our fans are content). what utter rubbish you spout.<br> during the mcsc match i talked to alot of your fans on the popular side, and i would not say that they are contented. more like bitter after the( lies ) they have been told, and are continued to be told. time will tell.<br>yes a good nite was had by witton by the way. thanks for the catering and rent money. nice little earner for us,<br>2 points out of 6. on the way up are you.<br>silly boy. [smiley=nono.gif]

No comments about the gate v Exeter from buffoons like JGG. Back to normal, lowest gate in the Conference, so if there were so many home fans there last Tuesday and they went home satisfied - why only 607 fans on Saturday which would include a fair few from Exeter.<br><br>Near the bottom already, no support, and even the new potential owner’s son got dropped, Daddy will not be putting his money in if his lad is not in the team. Toys out of the pram springs to mind!<br><br>Anyway many thanks for all the money paid to us for the past two matches - much appreciated<br><br>

Around 120 from Exeter according to a friend of mine who is a Vics fan. Not a close friend incase you were worried.

We have a ‘Meet the Blues’ day every season and we’re in the third division. I reckon it actually does quite a lot for the relationship between fans, players and manager.<br><br> [smiley=banane.gif]

Vics fan above is referring to fans meeting the board which is entirely different than meeting the manager/players- which I’m in favour of. As for meeting the board, I agree with Vics fan- it is unprofessional and inappropriate.

[quote]No comments about the gate v Exeter from buffoons like JGG. Back to normal, lowest gate in the Conference, so if there were so many home fans there last Tuesday and they went home satisfied - why only 607 fans on Saturday which would include a fair few from Exeter.

Near the bottom already, no support, and even the new potential owner’s son got dropped, Daddy will not be putting his money in if his lad is not in the team. ?Toys out of the pram springs to mind!

Anyway many thanks for all the money paid to us for the past two matches - much appreciated

[/quote]<br><br><br><br>Hippo, when will you learn not to shoot that big trap off of your’s. Vics have officially confirmed that last weeks attendance -v- Exeter was incorrect. Due to circumstances beyond control the attendance was a low estimate, however now gate receipts have been totalled the attendance will be confirmed at between 200 and 250 higher than the original 607. The statistics will show this soon as the league will want an accurate figure. Exeter had a following of around 130, leaving a good 700 vics fans in attendance. The Carlisle support has also been officially confrimed at 1000, so that confirms that over 800 Vics fans were present at that game. More than 1500 Vics fans present in our 2 'home’games so far Hippo, if we keep playing like we are doing we should maintain and if anything increase our support throughout the season and when we reach the the VS expect our home games to be attracting 2000 little boy as the green tidal wave gathers momentum.<br> 2 points from 3 very difficult games,another 2 tough games ahead of us but any VICS fan will tell you that our team this season is a massive improvement on last and ARE NOT relelgation material,we should fininish in the top 16 without any difficulties from the evidence so far and we can use this interim period as a springboard to huge success at VS.<br> Reading your match report -v- Leek, message board,looks like the relegation alarm bells are ringing already!! 339 hippo!!! in your first game of a ‘promising’ season, with 80+ from Leek!! not good enough, todays gate will be around 250, which is the total of your pathetic support. If you keep up the relegation form than expect around 150 in May, when you could be 3 leagues below us and 1500 less then us.<br> Silly little whelps.

P.S. Hippo, if you read the main BBC ceefax football page and look at the Conference previews you will see that a certain Mr Connett is playing in goal for us at Barnet today. No doubt his family will be watching!! The lad has huge potential but is still learning and will not play every game for us BUT don’t get confused with any link with the business input from his family. The two issues are entirley separate and are being dealt with professionally and they will not have any effect on each other. You clearly have little knowledge of business arrangements hippo, maybe MW can educate you!!

Call yourself a fan!!!<br><br>At that time you should have been in Barnet preparing for your drubbing.<br><br>Normal service resumed:<br><br>Witton win and Northwich lose.

JGG, stuffed again, relegation material and Steve Burr will be the first manager to leave in the Confernece this season.<br><br>Still no news on the takoever, still no work on the ground, keep playing at WP and keep putting the money in the kitty.<br><br>How many weeks have you been saying it is almost complete?<br><br>I dont think that Mr C even has the money, all promises

Keep trying to re-assure yourself hippo, everything is in place and almost ready for the announcement. It is happening little man,your dream is about to end and normality will soon be back at the town’s senior club.<br> As regards relegation, not a chance for us this season,Burr will be with us next season in the Conference at the VS. If you want to find how we were drubbed yesterday then read our website report. Disgusting referee decision changed the whole game, losing some of our best players early on ie. Handyside,Foran aswell as starting the game without 3 of our top players,Allen,Forsythe and Ralph. 10 against 12 away from home against promotion favourites. We’ve played 3 from the top 6 now and the other a full-time team, no worries from the NVFC camp, we only expected 2 or 3 points from the first 5 games. As for normal service resuming, I would’nt even get out of bed for the level you play in- sunday league stuff!

Almost ready is it, you have been saying that for many weeks no months and still nothing. <br><br>Stone and Nuttall are saying nothing because they have left you all in a mess.<br><br>Still be playing at WP all season

Agreement with you will be until end of season but expect us to be at the VS early in new year. If we still have to pay you until May so be it, the money in rent is a drop in the ocean to the amount MC is putting in.