Favourite all-time Witton player?

And is my memory playing tricks, or were we actually only 2 - 0 up at half time in the game against Middlewich? Think it was Mid-Cheshire Senior Cup.

I understand your comment about the service to Karl Thomas, Jac, but he was in a completely different class to any other non-league player I have ever seen. We were privileged to watch him at his best.

Dave Carrick - a genius

Being an old Basta**<br><br>in no particular order or position<br>Carrick<br>Chalky White<br>Paddy Daly<br>Pete Henderson<br>Johnny Goryl<br>McNEIL<br>McNeillis<br>J Walker<br><br>Brian Booth manager<br><br><br>

Several favourites, not claiming that they’re the best ever to have worn an Albion shirt, but must be pretty close on the top of their form…<br><br>goal-definitely Bob Fletcher<br><br>defence-Pritch, Steve Ellis, Brendan Batson, John Goryl and Micky Kilduff <br><br>midfield-Nigel Gleghorn, Alan McNeill, Charlie Boyd and Dave Carrick<br><br>and up front-John Walker, Lee Cox, Brian Jackson and Karl Thomas<br><br> ??? Now who have I forgotten?

Darren Washington for me…

Red & White beat me to it (steady on the jokes there thank you) Washy was awesome in that season. Just being a saddo who has actually looked up some of the old players on the wall of the board room what about Frank Fidler? Appears to have been something of a legend when you read about him. Also Dave Anane (sorry Neil if thats spelt wrong, by the way you never did pick up on that subtle response clue to sargy being the new striker did you?) has to be in my top 3 wingers, always good at supplying people he was! On that poor attempt of humour i’m off!<br><br>Have to say that my fav centre halfs i played with apart from Macca who was class was Graham Abel.

have to admit to not being a witton fan, but I had the honour of playing in a couple of teams with Paul Cuddy (towards the end of his career, I might add) and he is an absolute legend. A gentleman as well.

You are right about Frank Fidler Pritch he was (and still is) a legend at Witton with the older supporters along with the likes of Joe Dale, Alf Ashley etc but I think that most that come on here can’t go back that far.

yep them were the days jac.<br>sammy powell as manager, ronnie as sponge man.<br>cheshire league flag flying over the stand two years on trot.<br>fish chips peas tea AND bread an butter, one an six in the plaza supper bar.<br>standing outside the chronicle office waiting for the chalkboard to appear.<br>erm so i was told [smiley=cheezy.gif]<br>and if the resuilts were right, a celebration drink in pop hornbys [smiley=cheers.gif]

surprised no one has mentioned the following. Liam watson, Carl macauley, tony rodwell, carl(40 yards out at least)Alford, Jim mccluskie and Cec edey

Just thought I would give you my dream team of players I have seen in red and white since I started watching in 92.<br><br>1 - Keith Mason<br>2 - Carl Macauley <br>3 - Andy Diggle<br>4 - Brian Pritchard<br>5 - Steve McNeilis<br>6 - Colin Rose<br>7 - Tony Rodwell<br>8 - Nigel Gleghorn<br>9 - Karl Thomas<br>10 - Brendan Burke<br>11 - Steve Adams<br><br>Subs <br>12 - Cec Edey<br>13 - Paul Higginbotham <br>14 - Liam Watson<br><br>

:)<br><br>1 Mellor<br>2 Davey<br>3 Lambert<br>4 Barnes<br>5 Nichol<br>6 Gorton<br>7 Matthews<br>8 Tabener<br>9 Tynan<br>10 McDonald<br>11 Allen<br><br>…and let’s not forget Paddy Daly!!!

in reply to nick. steve adams in your team at the expense of dicken dont think so

John is that the team you last saw [smiley=cheezy.gif]playing for Witton<br><br>I’ will let you know when we move.

For me I will always remember Keith Mason and his padded trousers, top notch goalie. ?Cec Edey was the best I’ve seen at the back. ?I can remember a fair few Carl Alford screamers which set him apart, and I think Dave Garner (is that right) deserves a mention from recent years. ?Up front Karl Thomas (in his first spell at the club) was easily the best i’ve seen, I never thought Horsfield was Premier standard but there you go. ?That’s why I’m not a scout! ?<br><br>Not sure about Liam Watson. ?He used to bang in the goals from 2 yards but me and me mum used to call him ‘wimpy watson’ which says it all really.

Are you refering to Dave Gardener, excellent midfielder and supplier of about all of Washy’s goals during the 97-98 season or…<br><br>Matt Garner, 16 year old left back who went to Crewe on a YTS?<br><br>Either way both pretty useful!<br><br>Must admit I thought Horsfield was class, we just didnt get that many chances to see him play.

Dave Gardner-outstanding during the first half of 97-98, disappeared after that…Geoff Horsfield didn’t impress although I’m pleased to see that he’s done very well since. Liam Watson on the other hand was one of the better Ranson/Warrender signings. If we were really a bigger "name" than Southport (see posts elsewhere) I presume he’d be in the frame for the manager’s position now.