FC United

Any news on the possibilty that FC United might start playing at Wincham Park?<br>Alan.

I know Witton have enough on their plate at the mo but I think this would be a great idea and did discuss it briefly with Mark Harris (FCU is one member one vote so I am only giving my opinion here not that of the Club - all decisions are put forward by the supporters and voted on by an elected board) <br><br>The issue is that it is down to the home team - not FCU. In my view only Cheadle Town or New Mills would now be geographically possible for a switch. Cheadle have been given the go ahead to stage their home game against us in a couple of weeks - this is now a 2000 sell out and my view is that they may need to seek alternatives for the League game in November - really hope we could visit Witton again though.<br><br>Good Luck

Cheadle have now been ordered by the league to move their home cup tie Vs FC United to a more suitable venue - now Tameside stadium on Monday 17th Oct in view of the 3100 and 3800 attendences at the last 2 games.<br><br>This means the league game scheduled for there on 26/11 will also probably have to be moved - might be a chance for Witton to stage it?