FC Utd v Th'Albs Tuesday 3rd September 2013

Oh come on! “Hate” used in the context of football clubs is totally different, for one thing I don’t think I have ever suggested bombing either… Many of my friend support the two “SCUMS”, it is banter not real! Seriously, I think we should drop this and just hope Shaun makes a REAL apology and the FA get their act together.

Not so sure we can sweep your hatreds under the carpet so easily .I mean I haven’t even mentioned your 1 man crusade to see STeve FOster stripped of his dignity.i just think that maybe you aren’t the best person to decide on the TUck matter ,it needs to be a virtuous decision not one made by a hypocrit.
Anyway ,I am pleased to see the outcome of today’s match and think this forum has actually won the 3 points if as it it appears we have given PRitch the resolve to get off his horse and actually make a decisive decision on the TUck issue.

Stuart im fairly certain you don’t have any influence over team selection!!!

Forever and ever you are a complete and utter idiot if you think my “hatred” for two football clubs can possibly be compared with a racist bigot who advocated bombing Mosques!! As for Steve Foster, would he actually deny he has tried to get people sent off? He is an accepted cheat, is it wrong not to like cheating? Hypocrite you call me, you accept a bigot playing for your club, what does that make you? Enough of this rubbish you obviously support his racist rantings and try to condone them by comparing them with normal football banter. I suppose you have never hear the song that begins “We hate Nottingham Forest, we hate Liverpool too, we hate Manchester United but Tottenham we love you”. Get a grip!

Looks like you have reacted in the heat of the moment WHS .AMazing how that can lead to silly comments and jumping to wrong conclusions .( thats the plea in mitigation TUck gave himself by the way ).FOr instance ,where have I stated that Tuck should be allowed to play for th club ? All I have said through out is that a decision needs to be taken and get on with it .THat decision could have been to dismiss him completely though if that was the case ,the decision should have been taken 4 months ago …
Agin a hasty reaction WHS .I do hope you are enjoying watch your grass grow given your self imposed exile from the WItton stadium.

As I have been on the turnstile three times this year I don’t know where you get this “Self imposed exile” from. As you were delighted with the result today and that Shaun scored the winner I can only assume you are happy for him to play. And good God! How on earth can you compare ANYTHING I have ever said with what Shaun tweeted, “Bomb Mosques, chop off children’s heads”! Dear God can’t you see the difference, if not I stand by my comment that you are an idiot. I await Shaun’s statement and I hope sincerely it is a FULL apology for what he tweeted, if it is I have no problem with him continuing his career with Witton,

We all hate Leeds and Leeds and Leeds Leeds and Leeds and Leeds and we all hate Leeds and Leeds, we all feckin hate Leeds…and it is our human right to do so!

I’ll have a seat please!!

Is that for the Penny Black or Coach Gill B) Seats still available for Tuesdays Fun Bus so please book as soon as poss cheers!

I am not quite sure what your actual point is but then I am an idiot so this is to be expected.
.That been said,you seem to be in agreement on the Tuck issue.
We will have to be careful though if the FA send an observer down or some TV programme decides to make a documentary . I mean if the first person they encounter on the gate is a bigoted hypocrit who thinks he stands in judgement and speaks on behalf of WAFC ,with a penchant for violence and pathological hatred of Man Utd and anything green --frankly we are fewked and never be taken seriously again !

For the coach please