five on the trott.

league games that is. [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>when was the last time that witton, last won five LEAGUE games on the trot. [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif] [smiley=banane.gif]<br><br>give the fans a chance first chad. :wink:

Just goes to show that expensive Managers are not irreplaceable as long as you have good players who are committed to the Club. WHS

Just got back in the country - yes again!!!<br><br>Great news all round inc Sporting dinner.<br><br>Noticed no takers on your little poser yet Tony. I have the answer - of course. A little clue we actually won EIGHT league games on the bounce but not in the same season. emmmmmmm

hi chad, welcome back, i was actually thinking of 5 on the trot in the same season with same manager. ng?.

5 of these were in the same season.<br><br>So come-on folks what’s the answer??

Is it me? Surely our new Manager should not be talking of escaping relegation at this juncture but expressing confidence in his players that they can go on to win the league! We are one of the most well supported teams in the league ands our wages, going on what I was told by North Ferriby supporters is on a par or even higher than other promotion chasing sides. So what the hell is he on about?<br>WHS

I look forward to hearing you ask him on Thursday night. (Hope the next posting doesn’t say you can’t come).<br><br>GE<br>

I think its a common sense approach. Yes we are in a very good position and we all hope we maintain that and if possible improve on it. I think alll he was trying to say is that the minimum we want from this season is to maintain northern premier status. if we do that in the next few games then its gives us the best part of 4 months to basically go for it. That s how i viewed the comments. <br><br>Yes we are one of the more better supported teams at this level but we are still linked to a well documented historical debts and the budget is set accordingly. From my information (i am not putting figures on here) our weekly budget is still one of the lowest in this division which to me shows me that we currently have a bunch of players for whom the actual playing of football for this club is the main priority.

spoken like a true wittoner :slight_smile:

nice one brian. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Some very good, honest and forthright views from Jim last night and some very constructive questions from the supporters.<br>Alas, none from WHS, no surprise there then.<br><br>GE<br>

Some of us have other things to do other than going to meetings at the Football Club even though we may want to. As for my comment, I still believe that Mr. Vince’s comments were extremely detrimental to the moral of both the players and the supporters of a Club I have supported all my life. To speak of relegation is to admit that we think it is possible and shows the Manager does not have the confidence in the players he should have. Effectively telling players they are not good enough to win the league is no way to boost moral and downright silly when we are 5th in the league having just beaten the team in second at home and drawn with the team at the top. I believe Mr. Vince is a hell of a good Manager and results show it, but his comments this time were ill advised to say the least. By the way G.E you insinuate I am too frightened to air my views in front of people which I take serious offence to. Tell me who you are and I will meet you and anyone else to discuss my feelings when I can, but as I have said I cannot always go to the Club when I would like, including this Saturday. However because I cannot go every week I donate ?1 to the Medical Centre for every point the team get in a season, and have done for several seasons and believe me when I say over the last few seasons I would have happily donated more!!!<br>WHS

Don’t know who GE is? a true Wittoner? I think not

WHS is entitleds to hold an opinion. I think what is insinuated is entirely wrong in this case, nevertheless any opinion is entitled to be held.<br><br>FHS, let us not drop to the level of our neighbours in the way we treat genuine supporters.

Maddiesuncle, you don’t know who GE is?<br><br>You’re ‘avin’ a larf, aren’t you?<br><br>His name is Greatbach Eisenhower and for a long time has been considered to be a bounder and a cad by posting illicitly on this forum posing as a club official. For many years he and his colleagues have terrorised the footballing community in Northwich, Cheshire and further afield. I hereby propose we ban his little white a**e from this forum and may he never darken our doors again.<br><br> ;D ;D ;D<br><br>G, that’s a beer you owe me!

May I say as a final comment on the above that I want the very best for our Club and I just feel saying something like Mr. Vince did to the Press is asking for trouble. They print what they want to hear and will ignore what does not suit, hence the headline in last week’s Guardian. I am sure Mr. Vince feels we are capable of gaining promotion but he felt it wise to advise caution, sadly that is not how it came over in the Press. It will be interesting to see if the letter I wrote to the Press expressing my concern over the comment is printed and, more to the point, if it is printed in full.<br>WHS

Thanks Eddie C - is that Eddie Can’t - although I do remember you as a fine full back.<br>Ban me I say too and I’ll just go and watch away games and be approached by stewards who will say 'Yeh, and why has ye tried to cometh and watch you team at their home - oh sorry I forgot you say you are EC - I thought you were MC and I was watching another team. [Another bad dream]<br><br>Anyway enough of this waffle. Sorry Mr WHS (aka AL) this is the real GE signing off. That’ll cost you another quid for the half-time draw (no hints there on GE’s identity)<br><br>GE :smiley:

One FINAL statement from WHS. Just so we have heard the end of the Manager’s ill-considered remark to the press re relegation I have asked both papers not to print the letter I sent, so the issue can remain "in-house" and be queitly dispatched to the dustbin where it belongs. We ARE promotion candidates not relegation candidates and let us not be frighteneed to say so.<br>WHS

Hear hear.<br><br>GE<br><br> [smiley=cheezy.gif]