Fixture changes

Saturday 8 March - Witton Albion v Leek Town.
Tuesday 18 March - Witton Albion v Frickley Athletic

Cheers and well done Graham

GE deserves considerable credit (along with the management team) for how they have managed our fixtures this season. We have moved very very quickly to ensure any changes have been carried out to the benefit of ourselves (whilst at the same time remain suitable to our opponents). You cannot under estimate the importance of this fundamental aspect of running the football club and the benefit of focusing on this aspect of our administration.

Well done to GE and all.

you only have to look at what has happen to local teams as a result of poor administration! Well done!

Good lad Graham you’ve done great this season in avoiding us with a fixture pile up. This could still be a telling factor in the title race as Fleetwood and the rest will still have loads of games to play!
I think it deserves a day out on the Severn Valley railway at their Spring Steam Gala but we’d have to go on the Sunday mate so we don’t miss a match!!

The Witton v Frickley game has now been moved to Tuesday 15 April.

As both clubs have got four important games between 12-24 March, to add this would be unnecessary with no midweek games planned for April. Both teams and the League have agreed to the switch.


Once again a very sensible switch! I think Graham must be eligable for a medal if we win the league…

I don’t mind sticking one on him ! :wink: