Fleetwood Town vs Witton Albion

An advanced warning for supporters travelling to Fleetwood this afternoon, there are roadworks and possible lane closures in place on the M55 between junction 1 and junction 3 - A585 which is the Fleetwood turn off.

These roadworks are scheduled to be completed by 30th March.

Updates available as and when - will text you Derek.

Cheers Neil, I will also have one ear on Radio Shropshire as AFC Telford travel to Ossett Town.[br][size=1]Posted on: March 10, 2007, 10:22:22 AM[/size][hr]Two changes from the team that faced Ashton United last week.

Mark Cartwright replaces JK in goal, Tony Barras returns after suspension.

Witton team

Cartwright, Peers, Brownhill, Pritchard, Barras, Spearritt, Alex Brown, Connors, Warlow, Moseley, Lloyd.

Subs: Griff Jones, Clegg, Hockenhull.[br][size=1]Posted on: March 10, 2007, 02:42:41 PM[/size][hr]Latest Score: FLEETWOOD TOWN 1 WITTON ALBION 0.

Goal coming after we gave the attacker too much space.

Telford 0-0 halftime
hednesford 2-0 up
Burscough were losing 1-0 but haven’t seen the HT
Vics 2-0 down at HT


Witton playing good football but the best two chances have fallen to Fleetwood.

Winning at Fleetwood just means fitting in another game so not too distraught that we are 0-1 though I think we will come back and win. Telford drawing again is a better score for us.

some members on this forum are in danger of sounding like united or chelsea fans saying the certain games dont matter or are more importantant than others. Fact is we start the season to get some silverware that is the be all and end all. Today we are in a semifinal which should be deemed as such and not to be disgarded as just another game. rant over c’mon wiiton


Pritch to the rescue clearing one off the line.

Witton Substitution: Mike Moseley replaced by Griff Jones.

Worksnop is playing a blinder for Osset by all accounts keeping Telford pegged back still 0-0 ten mins left

Ossett 0 AFC Telford 0 Full time

North Feriby 1 - 0 Marine[br][size=1]Posted on: March 10, 2007, 04:58:29 PM[/size][hr]Finished 1-0 according to Fleetwoods forum, a week off for the lads now before the push for the big prize, disappointing to lose today but if it was between this one or the league game there I would have taken this one to lose (although Lutkie yes I would have liked to have won) onward and upward for the rest of the season now! come on the Albs we can do this!!!


We’ve bowed out of the cup but happy to report no bookings and no injuries.

For me that last comment by Wheels about no bookings or injuries was the important one. As for the comment that at the beginning of the season we would have settled for any silverware, it might be true for some suppoters but it wasn’t and still isn’t the case for me, promotion is ALL that matters, there is NO way I want to see my Club in this dead and alive league any longer. Gates of 200-300 will see us broke in no time and only by gaining promotion are those figures going to change. Isn’t every body sick to death of seeing one end of the ground totaly empty at most games? I know I am.

Well a cup semi final exit - would have been nice to have got to a final but if it was another 1/2 games - did we really need it? However the aim of the game is to win things - this isnt that bad a trophy! It did however appear to be Fleetwoods "cup final" in as much as it clearly carried a lot more meaning for them than us - high crowd predictions etc showed it was high on their wish list! As they may say in those parts - we had bigger fish to fry!

It may sound like sour grapes but I did think they were a poor side - infact worse than when we have beaten them previously this season, and I’d hope when it matters in 3 weeks time we can do the business and get the 3 points (this will in todays terms be our "cup final"!
A pretty football side they were not, strangely enough they hoofed, hoofed and hoofed a bit more on what was actually a decent playing surface! We played some good stuff at times - the final 3rd was a little lacking.

A word for the referee - decent enough, easy game for him but no complaints despite the defeat.

Finally, we now have 12 league games left, pretty much 2 a week now, we picked up no injuries today, no suspensions and if 10 league wins before last weekend was to win us the league, if Telford have now dropped 4 points since then if anything our task is potentially a little easier. Can we get in striking distance by the time we meet Telford?

Now we know exactly whta we have to do, win our games in hand, beat Telford at home and Hednesford away and the league title will be ours by at least 6 points!! It is a hard ask I know but I do believe that this team, given decent pitches and vocal support can do it. I hope, no, I expect us to win at least 9 of our last 12 games and that should give us the title never mind the play-offs. Time for another leaflet drop once Vics are out of the Trophy next Saturday. It would be great if we could get gates up to 400 or more for the run in.

The leaflet drop in imminent WHS - I have it all ready to "produce" but I held off on Monday expecting the game to be off on Tuesday.
as soon as we get a date for the Telford game we will swing into action.

Volunteers still required please - Saturday mornings in town or at your leisure let me know.

It was a funny old game yesterday…atmosphere was good as they had 500+ fans and i think that their fans are a credit to them, i remmember when we played hem at our place in the trophy earlier on in the season they were still singing ‘cod army’ when they were 2-0 down.

As for us, well we played the football, passed it about and were the better team overall but didn’t create the chances to give us anything to shout about, in all it was quite boring at times.

Anyway i went to blackpool afterwards and the rides were closed so not a great day but 8) ;DTelford didnt win so i was smiling from ear to ear


Just had a quick look at the fixtures coming up this week:
Next Saturday Hednesford travel to Burscough and
Telford have no game.
IF we can get back to winning ways we could put the frighteners on everyone again.

Hednesford also play Burscough at home tomorrow.


It was a strange game to watch - it obviously meant a lot more to Fleetwood judging by their reaction at the end. I think the ambivalence of our supporters to this competition got through to our players. I don’t remember any cheering, chanting or real support for the team. We definitely played the better football and some of their fans we spoke to admitted that football wise "they were played off the park". That said we didn’t really create clear cut chances (although we must have had 3 near misses before they scored) and their goal was a great finish. Good luck to Fleetwood in the final (vs Matlock?). I have to say though I am relieved we don’t have to fit 2 more games into our schedule.

So onwards and upwards, no more distractions, just lets go for it!!!