Forum Record

Okay - this is a Witton Albion forum, and yet the thread with the most posts ever is a Vs one, currently with 46 posts. This needs to change, and so write anything you like about Witton Albion here so that we can bring this forum back to being just about Witton Albion.<br><br>[size=2]I could just delete the thread, but it is doing no harm and I don’t want this forum to become dictorial like the old Vs one was.[/size]

Well lets get this thread up where it belongs, looking down on its poorer relations. <br>It might be a while before we can do it in the non-league structure, but atleast we can set the wheels in motion and show that shower of green and white kack, who really rules the roost.

What’s the fuss? Bring 'em on I say. <br><br>What it really comes down to is that, yet again, they need us more than we need them. It’s always refreshing to hear the rants of JGG et al.<br><br>Don’t you think it just brings a little ray of sunshine into your life when you read the miserable little rantings of the scum-meisters.<br><br>So come on down all you Vs fans - let’s keep the banter going. Answers to the following questions please:<br><br>Why the continual referral to the swamp? Did you EVER witness a game a the Dung, sorry Drill, Field (What a st hole that was!)<br><br>When are you going to win a game?<br><br>My god, Forest Green MUST be a cr*p team!<br><br>2 pens to draw with Accy - what’s that all about?<br><br>Do you Vs fans want to buy any shares in the only solvent club in town? Cos you certainly won’t have any shares in your own club.<br><br>Ansty, why don’t you go forth and multiply with the Vs? - they’re welcome to you. How can you call yourself a Witton fan?<br><br>A great idea for a new Channel 5 programme - Did V**s actually land in Wincham? or was it just a great big con put forward by the Board and local newspapers? I need to look at those footprints and dodgy photos of the half-built stadium again - I’m sure there are multiple light sources there somewhere. How come those corner flags were futtering? - there’s obviously no atmosphere there at all (boom boom)! Karejoke - it’s the future!<br><br>BRING IT ON!<br><br><br><br><br><br>

Short memories from last saturday eh. 0-1 to Winsford, 3 leagues below you.I think Oaklands would give you a run for your money. Everthing is ticking along nicely in the green camp, home directors box full on Tues- not seen that for years at a Vics game. 3 Porche’s + a Bentley on the car park, all in the home directors spaces.The green tidal wave is gathering pace, NVFC are about to become bigger, better and more professional than ever before, ok we will have one man and his team(which includes a very popular and trusted face from a previous Vics board) running the show, rather like Ambramovich at Chelsea and many many other professional football clubs. The way forward is the VS, the way forward is Green, wafc will pale into even further insignificance. As for the points deduction, the appeal has been lodged and almost certain to be reduced to a nominal amount- thanks VRBC, at last they’ve come in useful.<br> We’ve also played 7 out of the top 8 so far in our 9 games. On sat it is likely to become 9 out of the top 12 – then things will get alot easier and remember we’re still one win away from safety, Relegation is’nt even considered this season, 10 points deduction or not, we’ll finish above F Green,Farnboro,Leigh + Tamworth with ease. COME ON U GREENS- CONF SEASON NO 27 IS ON ITS WAY.<br> P.S. Like Hippo says, NVFC will be owned by one person and we will effectively be leasing the ground - rather like the situation at witton where MW & TW are by far the main shareholders and are therefore in control of the club. MW has stated he’s not a football fanatic, so where does the future lie? The situation at wiiton is no different, apart from your 2 leagues below and will have 1500 less support when the VS becomes reality. Wait until next year when Vics BECOME FULL-TIME!! little witton will be even smaller!

Never a Vics fan me, Witton through and through, like a successful team though, I don’t beleive JD is able to produce one.<br><br>My opinion and I am entitled to it, too many WA supporters think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, because he was a grat player at the Club, too much loyalty

The point of this thread was to talk about [color=Red][size=2]WITTON[/size][/color].<br>

Sorry Debs, but you can’t ignore the feelings of your pundits.<br><br>As for Ansty, what a sad life you must lead.<br><br>Green Invasion, I notice no replies to my questions. But come on, be reasonable, at this early stage of the season, the only reason those teams you have played are at the top of the league is exactly that - it’s because they’ve played you!!!<br><br>And let’s face it, as the season goes on the vast majority of the teams will end up above you.<br><br>Don’t let’s have any whinging about playing against full time teams - all your mates have now told us on this forum that V*** have now gone "full time" - Do you think it will make a difference?<br><br>As for Winsford, good luck to them. Much like Woodley last season, they played better than us on the night. Can’t argue with that.<br><br>Up the Albion

dnt think we were outplayed by Winsford by any means, we played abismally and still could/should have won had we converted one of the few easy chances we had-winsford didnt really trouble us apart from the goal<br><br>thinking the future is looking pretty rosey here at witton, we now have a settled team that yes could do with some fresh faces injecting but can play together, when they pull their finger out<br><br>is it just me or is Anstey starting to sound a little too much like jonny amery? one and the same or just coincidence? jonny has been a bit quiet recently<br><br>however every website needs a bad guy, god help us if they both start their evil rants tho!<br><br>need to make the most of the next two games, both at home before a trio of away fixtures, it may even work in our favour to have 3 away games, mayb get a string of results together! with a game in hand over most the league table doesnt look to bad really<br><br>Bring on Sat!!!











