Friday 07.10.05 Non League paper

Todays Non League paper 07.10.05, page 34 :<br><br>’ Finlay Quits over budget cuts’<br><br>Worth reading, as not many people know his side.<br><br>The future trimming of the wage bill is inevitable, its going to be hard to field any type of strong team in the league going forward, Jim Vince will have his work cut out.

You know, I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks that Saturday’s debacle did not lead directly to the management leaving. All this tripe about wages is a "blind" to excuse the actions of the manager and player during and after the assualt, for that is what it was an assualt. As for the reserves being good enough to sit on the bench, there is no doubt that this is true. Local lads will at least be committed to the club, unlike some who have asked to leave and "spit their dummies out" when things don’t go their way. The Club is always bigger than any player. <br>As for our friendly Vics fan, "Are you sure your chairman is not planning to sell out"? I was castigated in the press by a Vics fan when I said perhaps our land will be sold for housing and we could then buy Vics ground at a knockdown price and even pay off Mr. Warrender. He stated that it could never happen as the land was unsuitable for a housing estate. What do we hear now? Land to go to build 600 houses, first bid? ?4 million!!!<br>See you at the Victoria Stadium, or should I say the "Albion Stadium"?<br>Lowey.

See page 25 of the guardian, WP will soon be worth peanuts, wafc are in serious trouble,the last chance of a way out is fast dissapearing.

[quote]You know, I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks that Saturday’s debacle did not lead directly to the management leaving. All this tripe about wages is a "blind" to excuse the actions of the manager and player during and after the assualt, for that is what it was an assualt. As for the reserves being good enough to sit on the bench, there is no doubt that this is true. Local lads will at least be committed to the club, unlike some who have asked to leave and "spit their dummies out" when things don’t go their way. The Club is always bigger than any player.
As for our friendly Vics fan, "Are you sure your chairman is not planning to sell out"? I was castigated in the press by a Vics fan when I said perhaps our land will be sold for housing and we could then buy Vics ground at a knockdown price and even pay off Mr. Warrender. He stated that it could never happen as the land was unsuitable for a housing estate. What do we hear now? Land to go to build 600 houses, first bid? ?4 million!!!
See you at the Victoria Stadium, or should I say the "Albion Stadium"?
Lowey.[/quote]<br><br>More chance of Benitez becoming wittons next manager than Mr C selling up to you after last weeks stunt (VS bar). MC was not a happy man, even in the unlikely event that you get more than 2 million by the time both Mr W’s have had their share you’ll be bale to bilud a ground half the size of WP. Progress?!!! maybe for Witton - no manager,no hope. <br>

Good one Vicster.<br><br>I have heard that your dump of an unfinshed football pitch has been put up for sale by your so called committed owner Mr Conman. He has never had any plan to make Vics a big club he is just in it for the money. 1.5 million of it to be exact. <br><br>If we sell up then we will gladly take your pitch from you finish it and let you rent it from us at a highly inflated price just like last time. <br><br>You may be top of the league and good luck to you but you clearly dont have any financial support from your owner who was always in it to make money for himself. <br><br>

Wht does Warrender’s name keep getting brought up, the club do not owe him anything whatsoever. He is only a shareholder like many other people.

Ignorance is bliss Korky, keep taking the happy pills, even your own fans are well aware of MR W.

sad news for you vicster! :-X :-X :-X i can confirm that your so called committed owner did try to sell your ground for 1.5 million to a building company ! this news came from a very good source. maybe if you would take as much time as you do into looking at the unibond prem, and investigate into your commited owners dealings you would find this to be true ;D ;D ;D ;D