From The Press

Just pulled this from the non league daily, Its from the Chronicle I think, thought I would reproduce it here as I know many Witton fans don’t buy the local papers anymore since the coverage has gone so poor, apparently the guardian managed to squeeze a match report of the cup win into a corner above a very large article on the neighbours game against TNS a game that really has a lot of local interest… NOT!!<br><br>Witton Albion have one more friendly before the UniBond League Premier Division season gets under way, but it’s a week overdue for manager Gary Finley. <br><br>?We’re ready now,? he said. ?We’ve been training three times a week since the end of June. The attitude of the players in training and the performances have all been tremendous. <br><br>?Beating Northwich Victoria is a massive boost to our confidence. They were a mid-table Conference National team last season and have improved the squad since, so that result sets us up for the start of the season. <br><br>?It can’t come soon enough.? <br><br>Finley (pictured) has settled on his squad, although he has been unable to field a settled team so far. Eight possible first-teamers were absent in the friendly at Lancaster City that gave a late chance to triallist Phil McDiarmid from Runcorn FC Halton and reserve Mike McCarten a late chance to make their mark. <br><br>But Finley is likely to stand by a squad of seventeen, which may mean it will be difficult keeping them all happy. <br><br>?It’s a problem I’d rather have than not,? he said. <br><br>Witton play Welsh Premier champions Total Network Solutions on Saturday as a forerunner to going to Farsley Celtic for the opening match a week later. Absent until his return in September is midfielder Adam Foy, who is coaching in the United States. <br><br>?It’s a blow but gives someone else a chance,? added Finley. <br><br>Off the pitch, Witton are learning to live without the money paid to them as rent by Northwich. <br><br>Chairman Mike Worthington said: ?It makes a big different when you take ?25,000 out of the system. When it was thought to be for one season, it was easy to treat it as a one-off, but after three you get used to it. <br><br>?Now we need to tighten things up but we have made a commitment to Gary to give him the best possible start on the pitch without endangering the club. <br><br>?I prefer to think of it as an investment rather than a gamble and there’s a greater feeling of enthusiasm about the place than for years.? <br><br><br>

I agree about the lack of press coverage, but don’t like the idea of boycotting the press. We need them more than they need us!<br><br>Leave boycotting and banning to the Rabble.<br><br>Perhaps we should be more proactive. Do we have anyone responsible for press liaison? Forgive me if we have. But it’s not just the local papers, it’s their web-sites and web-sites of other organisations.(e.g. NLP, Unibond etc) I noticed last season Leek had a weekly newsletter on the Unibond site.<br><br>Quite easy to do I would have thought, and I would gladly do the role if I lived nearer.<br><br>

This is something that is being worked on by the Associate Committee.