
Can someone tell the fans how GF managed to break his ankle ?<br>and has M Moseley decided on his future ?<br><br>

  1. Playing Sunday football.<br>2. Yes.<br><br>GE<br>

What is decision on Furnival

This is an internal matter and will not be discussed on a Fans Forum

After all what right have fans to know what is going at their football club

I assume the club has the option to support him or sack him the latter seems a bit harsh although obviously he is in the wrong and should expect a club punishment (ban/fine etc) Presumably he wont be getting paid while hes injured so he is already being punished. A degree of support from the club and supporters would be the right thing to do in my opinion and maybe he will return stronger for the experience.<br>He’s a young lad who made a mistake, Im sure he’s not the first or the last to do so.<br>And no im not Mr Furnival !! [smiley=cheezy.gif]

I agree J Davis about Furnival

Chav,<br>Thought this was a forum to discuss all things that were happening at the club? Yet again the fans dare to ask what’s going on…

Chav,<br>Thought this was a forum to discuss all things that were happening at the club? Yet again the fans dare to ask what’s going on…

Perhaps its because the Club’s disciplinary committee haven’t had the opportunity to sit down with Gary Furnival and discuss with him what has happened. Once this has been done, then a decision will be made. Does that help?