Game v Morton

Looks like we (Greenock Morton FC Scottish 2nd Div side) are playing you guys on July 19th at your place.<br>Appreciate if you can give me details of cheap accomodation etc.We play Altrincham on July 16th so will probably base myself somewhere in between.

Only a couple of weeks ago saw Morton (and a huge travelling support on the day) at Stair Park, Stranraer. Promotion six-pointer which ended in a draw which was enough to see the home side promoted.<br><br>Wonder where Morton are based for their stopover? Can remember Arbroath doing the same sort of thing and playing at Flixton and Altrincham, must be about ten years ago now.<br><br>About time we had an "unusual" pre-season game, now what about Aberystwyth (with the GF connections) away as well?