Gary Finley

I read with interest that Gary Finley has left your club "by mutual consent", the same phrase that was used when his time at Aber came to an end, although that was somewhat debatable. Any more than meets the eye this time round?

This is from the Unibond site<br><br>Gary Finley Puts Record Straight 20/10/2005 <br><br><br>Former Witton Albion manager Gary Finley who parted company with the club earlier this month has contacted the League to say he wishes to clarify some reports in the media. He states that some of these reports don’t accurately record the events that led up to him resigning his position. He wishes to make it clear that he took his decision to resign due solely to the club informing him that it was intending to take steps to reduce the playing budget. He is particularly keen to stress that an incident in the player’s tunnel during the previous day’s game against Bradford Park Avenue resulting in a player leaving the club had no bearing what so ever on his decision to resign. He felt the club’s decision to reduce his playing budget would impact on his ambition to take Albion to the Conference North and it was that decision only that caused him to consider his position with the club and resign. <br><br>Albion Chairman Mike Worthington said “Although we strive for success it cannot be achieved at an “any cost” policy. We were unable to meet the financial requirements to achieve the ambitions and expectations of Gary and consequently he felt he was unable to continue his career at Witton Albion. I have enjoyed working alongside Gary and on behalf of everyone at the club I wish him every success in the future”. <br> <br><br><br>