Dreadful gate tonight - 232 against the top club who brought a few themselves! Played well but are in debted to Gibbo who kept us in the game, without him we’d have been comfortably beaten. I understand there were scouts in the stand from Conf North/Prem clubs watching him – oh dear!

Why is it a shocker? As Neil said even top teams like Leek and Hyde got no better gates. They brought about 15 maximum. As I have said before Super Super Gibbo!!!

I’m still trying to unravel the statement "without him we’d have been comfortably beaten". Do you mean without anyone at all in goals, or do you mean a goalkeeper who was worse than Gibson? How would we have done if we had one who was better than Gibson - not taking anything away from him but I’m sure there must be one or two around, no matter how good he is.<br><br>I think the ‘scouts’ were masquerading as a couple of commentators for Radio Cumbria. From the interview with their manager at the end, it looks like Workington themselves are very surprised to be at the top of the league.<br>

I know I was only listening to the commentary, but I certainly did not get the impression that we would have been comfortably beaten had it not been for Gibbo, indeed the (Cumbria based) commentators seemed rather surprised that he had been given the man of the match award, although they did say he had made a couple of fine saves. Seems that we missed a couple of very good chances, they hit the post early on, pretty even game with Albion just edging it, but as I say, I am just going on the commentary.<br>Have to agree, the gate was not good. Just hope the fans give the new management team a chance, and the management team give the players the chance to express themselves with some attacking football, something that seems to have been notably absent over the past year.

Having already been accused of being a sore loser by a witton supporter i reitorate my point that the better team lost. Witton played the long ball all night and we tried to pass it, the fact that our striker got our award and your keeper won yours proves that we should have triumphed however to your credit you won, we couldn’t find the back of the net. <br><br>I was stood behind Paul Gibson’s goal all night he was the difference between the sides, two fine fingertip saves along with many other stops kept you in the game.<br><br>I am not going to say that Witton were a good side, quite frankly i cannot stand the hit and hope long ball game that you played, however it worked against us and i wish everyone at the club all the best for the season.<br><br>(p.s. i would like to say thank you to the witton fan who offerred me a lift to town after the game, i dont know if he posts on here or not.)

I am the same as Mike T and can only comment on the comentary that was given by radio cubria as I’m working nights but the statement about you not liking the long balll game came as a surprise as they (the commentators) kept saying that they couldn’t understand why Workington were insisting on playing it as Pritch and Fernival were winning everything in the air…

I would say the same of you. Long ball but not all the time with some passing moves but I wasn’t impressed with a side who are top of the league. I don’t think the better side lost as it was quite even it’s just our shots tended to be straight at the keeper or wide as you actually tested out keeper.

better side lost? bo****ks!

Typical top of the table mentality after a defeat! Thats what I’ll be saying after Friday’s game.

I too am becoming very concerned about our gates.The current average is 259, the lowest I can remember in 40 years of watching Witton. The problem is that people won’t turn out to watch this standard and will possibly only come if we are top of the league. At the moment we are well off and being realistic will not make the play off’s, I think we have to stop kidding ourselves in thinking we have more fans than actually attend regularly. At best now we have no more than 300 and in many ways we’d be better staying put in a league that we can compete in, the Conference North would’nt increase gates, it would more likely reduce them as we would be one of the strugglers.OK the odd match against Alty,Southport would be a high gate but Redditch,Moor Green,Vauxhall etc would struggle to attract 250!

It’s a better standard which is always like to attract people who don’t normally come. I wouldn’t say it is the odd match either.<br><br>Teams such as: Alty, Barrow, Southport, Runcorn, Kettering, Stafford would all bring at least 50 I’d say which is much more than most of the Unibond clubs!

No worries Akie - its that same IP address again folks, Wittoner, senior wittoner, vics fan patterns developing.

Thanks for that Neil.