Gateshead fixture (Saturday 3 September)

[smiley=banane.gif] Advance warning to Wittoners planning to attend the Witton Albion v Gateshead fixture on Saturday 3rd September 2005, which according to the Unibond League website is still going to be a 3.00 p.m. kick-off.<br><br>Please note that Ashton Town F.C. have hired the Victoria Stadium for a NWCFL Division Two fixture against FC United of Manchester, which is scheduled to kick-off at 1.00 p.m. See link.<br><br>;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;This will be FC United’s second visit in four days.<br><br>So, if it is a 3 p.m. kick-off at Wincham Park, you might want to think twice about turning up at Wincham Park at the last minute, because if this co-incides with full-time at the Victoria Stadium, it’ll be gridlock in Chapel Street (!)

Can we make our Social Club available for the United fans use?<br><br>Seems like a prime opportunity for food/beer sales. They had 2500ish for the last game so only if a small percentage take up the offer, I’m sure it will be worth it.<br><br>Also, offer the car park as well, for free? I’m sure we could put up with the inconvenience. Especially bearing in mind what we stand to gain.

Have already started the ball rolling by advertising our game straight after theirs for any who want to hang around and watch another game

Who’d want to drink your bad beer then?

Better than none at all :wink:

Kick-off now 1pm.<br><br>GE<br>