Gateshead Replay

Says on Gateshead site we lost 1-3, is that correct?

it is correct although not desereved

Shame brings a bad day for us not so bad now dumped out of the cup already haha

We had enough chances to have won but did not take them. Gateshead took theirs and good luck to them in the next round. The money would have been very handy but we must kick on now and consolidate in the league and maybe have a run in the Trophy.

Keep the faith

matty hardy/(vics fan)(named and shamed now go back to the dark side of the canal) y the hell do u keep coming back on here
u wudnt have the balls to say this to any wittin fan face to face grow up you sound like a 4 year old

Thoroughly undeserved defeat, we created enough chances to have made a cricket score but our finishing was poor. In addition, if two of the three officials from tonight have any sort of conscience they will not sleep for a long long time.

For various reasons tonight was only the third game I’ve seen this season, in two of those the officials have, in my opinion, made a mockery of the game. Supporters and players have a right to something better.

Good luck to Gateshead in the next round, but surely they are not going to get a referee as appallingly weak as tonight.

We had a fair few chances it has to be said, and had we been able to convert them it could have been a totally different storey, woulda shoulda coulda (as some might say)
Never mind eh? We put in a decent effort against them.

screw u vics fan if u were put in the first round u would get beaten by jjb sports supporters team because your shite and your going down! Haha. I heard thacker didnt get on tonight at all, why oh why…

I think a lot of us have been asking just what has Thaker got to do to get into the side regularly, including me.

However, I think at this moment in time we must stay loyal to Nigel’s judgement. Ross is one for the future, most definite, but for these most crucial games against Gaeshead, Nige seems to have gone for experience.

The same could be said about Zane, but although he looked like a world beater against Marine and Cheadle Town, he did very little against the stronger opponents of Gateshead, once he came on.

Trust Nige…he is still building…more news on this front in the next couple of weeks.

From what I see the lads are tiring and slowing down during last 10-15b minutes of the second half which reflects on their fitness level.I am aware they all probably have a day job as well but how much care do they take in stamina building,nutrition and general prematch preparation I don’t know.
If the club can afford it and Nige thinks it is a good idea then services of a fitness instructor would be of immense value.He can not only help build team stamina but also give nutritional advice.
Any comments??

Yep I agree we should have won, I certainly agree the fitness levels showed after their second goal I know a certain Doc that could put that right, the second goal dismayed me, I thought the wall that was set up was apalling, the gap to the right of Smith was immense even our President could have driven through it (no offence Dave !)
Milly? training please,or if it wasn’t Gregs fault tell the fn wall to stay still. As soon as 'head took the lead there was no going back the players had given their all, no lack of effort, enough chances to win it, a game we should have won. Christ we do miss Pritch for leadership (IMO)

Please give Thacker a chance, he even apologised for making a divot knocking about at half time !