Gone by November

Well just saw this on a website, i’ve slighty edited it!<br><br><br>As expected, Steve Burr (WHO) has become the new manager of Conference National club Northwich Victoria (POOR BASTARD). <br><br>Burr left his post as Hucknall Town manager on Monday after asking his chairman for permission to speak to Vics about the vacant manager’s position. HIS CHAIRMAN ACTUALLY SAID THAT HUCKNALL HAVE AMBITION FOR THE FUTURE AND YOU OBVIOUSLY DON’T HAVE ANY IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO THEM. THE CHAIRMAN PROMPTLY SACKED HIM! NICE ONE<br><br>And Vics chairman Dave Stone confirmed (NOW DID HE CONFIRM IT OR NOT YOU JUST NEVER KNOW DO YOU WITH THEIR PROMISES) that Burr had been offered the job. <br><br>He said: "It looks (KEY WORD LOOKS! WAIT TILL NOVEMBER WHEN IT WILL BE IT LOOKS LIKE HE IS NOT OUR MANAGER) as though Steve Burr is our new manager. <br><br>"He’s been offered the job, he wants to take it and, of course, he’s now left Hucknall Town. WELL NOW HE HAS BEEN SACKED HE HAS NO OTHER JOB TO GO BACK TO HAS HE<br><br>"He is a proven manager and has just won the UniBond Premier Division with Hucknall." (YES BUT WILL HE HAVE THE CHANCE IN A FEW SEASONS TIME TO WIN IT AGAIN WITH VICS!)<br><br>According to a Hucknall statement Burr was told if he wanted to speak to Vics he was obviously not committed to Hucknall and should leave the club, prompting his departure and paving the way for him to take on the job left by Shaun Teale in April. -WHAT KEEP THEM ON TEH DOWNWARD PATH? HOPE SO<br><br>Burr’s likely appointment however does not mean wranglings for control of the club have been resolved. BARGE POOL COMES TO MIND <br><br>Last month Stone said that a manager would only be appointed once negotiations with an anonymous investor were resolved. - AND ARE THEY?OR IS HE GOING BACK ON HIS PROMISES AGAIN? GOOD JOB HE IS NOT FATHER CHRISTMAS THE KIDS WOULD BE CRYING BUCKETS<br><br>However the chairman confirmed that, although talks were still ongoing, they were still some way from completion. - SEE HE HAS GONE BACK ON WHAT HE SAID. TRADITIONALIST THOUGH! THEY HAVE BEEN AT IT FOR YEARS!<br><br>It is hoped that Burr’s arrival at Vics will signal an end to a turbulent year which has seen the Conference side part company with five managers (Jimmy Quinn, Steve Davis, Alvin McDonald, Shaun Teale and Gregor Rioch) and stare relegation in the face only to be granted a last-minute reprieve. NO LETS HOPE THE TURBULENT YEAR CONTINUES<br><br>Burr’s first task will be to organise the playing squad which was found wanting last season. REALLY?<br><br>Only three of the side from the disastrous campaign have been released and Burr must look to strengthen the squad if Vics are to survive. WHAT WITH A BRICK WALL ACROSS THE GOAL? JET PACKS FOR FORWARDS TO REACH THOSE HIGH PUMPED BALLS? NO DANGER OF ANY GRASS GOING THIN ON THE PITCH IS THERE?<br>

yes it should read barge pole and not pool!!!

Is that a 10ft or 20ft barge pole though??? [smiley=lol.gif][smiley=giggle.gif]<br><br>P.S. Pritch - experiment with the "modify button"

Great to see you scum fans are chatting about the towns premeir club. Conference premier for another 25 years- you lot will be history by then. wafc RIP

p.s. Your’e like a boil on the backside you lot, why don’t you do the town a favour and fold like you should have done a few years ago. You’re going nowhere apart from downhill. ALWAYS IN THE BIG GREEN SHADOW!!!