Graham Heathcote?

He looked rather pleased with himself coming out of WP late morning?<br>Alty have been cutting back and he isn’t happy with the idea given they are still near the top.<br>Hmmmmm.

Isn’t he a part owner of Atrincham now?

He is indeed a shareholder of alty, and his son is the kitman according to the web site, so you would think he would not be interested however if he has been interviewed he must be, he is famous for being volatile- he has resigned 2 or 3 times in the past over issues with the board and he has had to endure 40% cut in playing budget, the club has debts of ?500k reportedly so maybe he is on his way to us? our director mark harris is close to him i suspect from his alty days as director and chairman so watch this space- an announcement is expected today not sure on his credentials or style of play/management - anyone got ideas on this

I remember him from the old Cental Ground days when he was assistant to JR (remember him) and I seem to remember him not taking the job that seriuosly but that was a long time ago and I think his first job in coaching.

you are way off the mark, Graham was probably at WP signing one of your best players for Alty where he enjoys a very good job as manager and secretary and has a good relationship with the board. The 40% cut in budget happened over 2 years ago since when we have increased it again especially for this season where Graham must be enjoying life in the top 6 of conf 2 N.<br><br>Why on earth would he drop to you lot especially as we all know you’ll be sharing the VS hospitality suite soon!

Utter Nonsese [smiley=cheezy.gif]

This is superbly funny.<br><br>So you say he is unhappy at having to cut costs ?? If you had done just a little bit of research you would have realised that he is a major shareholder at Altrincham and did basically appoint the board himself so this means that he’d be in arguements and disagrements with HIMSELF over money and cost cutting.<br><br>Altho last night he was seen walking out of TESCO but rumours were denied that he was going for the sale assistant job and he was smiling infact because he had just got 8p off a can of baked beans.<br><br>God, if we started a rumour everytime Mark Harris was at our club smiling you’d have no other messages on this board.<br><br>All I can say is that a little reserach into Mr Heathcote could have made the rumour more substantial but the fact is that by putting the reason that you have means it can be dismissed straight away.<br><br>This is just totally hillarious.

If you had bothered to read the above posts Gary those facts have already been stated, I doubt very much that 'cote would want to sever his contacts with Altincham but when someone puts a statement on here that he was seen at Wicham Park then the rumour mill is bound to spring into action

SORRY ???<br><br>First post:<br>"Alty have been cutting back and he isn’t happy with the idea given they are still near the top."<br><br>Statement above is total rubbish and that was the reason given and the beginning so I think you should read properly to be fair.<br><br>apologies to please.

"our director mark harris is close to him i suspect from his alty days as director and chairman so watch this space"<br><br>You suspect very wrong!!

It’s the usual witton logic I’m afraid,<br><br>Streaker runs onto pitch, obviously Alty are to blame for that and therefore Witton not being able to score more goals than Woodley junior sports club.<br><br>Maybe Witton’s chairman has finally apologised for rubbishing our club and that’s why graham was smiling…although the far more likely reason he was there was to sign a player.<br><br>Or just maybe they did invite him for an interview and he was still laughing at their offer while he left?<br><br>

I very much doubt Heathcote would leave Alty for us but you can never be so sure of people’s motives. Maybe he was laughing cos’ he actually saw what the stewards did and couldn’t believe that he defended them.

Well you are right.<br><br>The fact that we were praised in how that was dealt by higher authorities than Witton must mean you are correct.<br><br>Of course the proper procedure would have been to all hit and kick the person on the pitch and create even more of a scene ?<br><br>Get over it

Does that mean Paul Robinson should have sent off in Azerbaijan for tripping that fan Gary?<br><br> To be fair, No-one knows who ‘watcher in the trees’ even is so probably has made the whole thing up to create a stir.

Calm down Calm down !!<br><br>I was only asking not stating anything, I personally could not see him coming either ? my comment was based around the issue "if he was interviewed "? if he was just visiting then thats that,indeed he might not even have been at the club and someone is making waves, if he has had an interview then I was looking for reasons that He MIGHT leave Alty for Witton :wink: and asking about him generally eg would he be good for Witton anyway.