Grand Easter Draw

Dear all, We are running a draw this Easter to win an incredible prize. I am looking for,

A) People to donate a little something as a prize
B) People willing to take tickets and sell them to family and friends
C) People to buy a few tickets themselves

If you can help with any of the above please either PM me, leave a message, see me or any official at a game or just pop in to the club on a Thursday evening. I’m sure you will agree its a fantastic prize and well worth a pound of anyones money.

Thanks all


[size=5][color=#ff0000][size=6][center]Witton Albion Grand Easter Draw

First Prize

2 nights stay in a luxury London hotel for two

Plus lots more prizes

Tickets £1.00 each

Available now [/center][/size][/color][/size]

Hi everyone

Just a quick note if you took tickets away to be sold I would be grateful if you could start returning at tomorrows game, all tickets have been distributed so if you haven’t sold some or don’t think you can sell any more then we can try and pass them on to others.

Thanks again.

Could anyone who took tickets to sell please bring tham back today, there are a lot still out so we do need them back please.

Has the Easter Draw taken place, if so what were the Prizes and whos won them?

Talking to Picko at the last game of the season, he said that he had a large number of tickets returned unsold and had decided to postpone the draw in order to try and increase ticket sales. If I’m not mistaken, I think he is looking at doing the draw over the weekend of the forthcoming Beer Festival.

Yes the draw will be done on the Saturdayat the beer festival.

Dear All

Because of family illness I was unable to make it to the festival on Saturday, so the draw had to be delayed again (because I’ve got all the tickets)

So I will now be asking the Thursday night regulars to perform the draw this week at 8.30pm. Everyone is welcome to come on down and see if your one of the lucky winners.

My sincere apologies for the continued delay.

The draw was finally made last night at the Thursday Clubs bi annual dinner and the winners are:

1st Prize - P A Spruce
2nd - J Kelly
3rd - P Robinson
4th - The Doc
5th - K Turner

Thanks to all who took part and helped to sell tickets.