Gretna's fantastic victory

In the Scottish Cup Semi Final.<br><br>I’m considering organising a coach to the Final to include supporters from all Unibond clubs. Anyone interested. Assuming it’s on a Sunday.<br><br>GE<br>

On Saturday 13 May.<br><br>GE<br>

Graham,Reserve me a couple of places iplease<br><br>Andy L

If Hearts win their semi today and also, presumably finish 2nd to qualify for the Chumps League, does that mean Gretna in UEFA Cup?

What a fantastic achievement for Gretna ! This team have made everybody sit up and take notice - not just in Scotland. The whole of Britain will be behind them when they play the final - except Hearts fans of course !

I was at Hampden on Saturday - was very enjoyable. Very strange though having seen Gretna at Wincham Park not too long ago. Just to confirm, if Hearts finish second then Gretna will definitely be in the UEFA cup.

I guess the days of us taking three quarters of the gate to a Gretna game are over!

Yeh its a nice claim to have - I remember that midweek game, 88 people there! How times change!

Trip cancelled due to lack of interest.<br><br>GE<br>