Ground Hop 2005/2006

CHARITY GROUND HOP 2005/2006<br>On the weekend of Saturday May13/Sunday May14th , four (fool)hardy supporters of AFC Telford United will be attempting to cover all the Grounds/Clubs in the Unibond Premier League, within a 24 hour cut off point .We will be departing from Hope House ( Hospice , our local Hospice at 6.00pm on Saturday , and aim to return to Hope House not later than 6.00pm on Sunday.<br>The Hop will be raising money for the aforementioned and Kirstys appeal Kirstys Appeal is a nationally recognised Charity , linked to a Hospice .<br>Last season(Ground hop of the Unibond Div 1 Clubs) we raised ?1,800 , half of which went to Keep your eye on the Ball Testicular cancer charity.The other half went to AFCTU .As mentioned previously , this time its all being done for the Two charities and<br>What would be brilliant from you and your Club would be some information about your local Radio stations , and Newspapers, such as their names and any contacts/email addresses. Also it would be fantastic if we could meet a representative from your club to hand a certificate of proof of our progress , on our journey .We will hopefully both benefit from the publicity.My email address is Many thanks , Rob Palin.

Does this ring any bells Me? :wink: