Ground maintainance bucket collection

Just a short message to all our great supporters on behalf of the groundstaff.We are pleased to be able to let you know that the bucket collections up to and including the Marine match amount to £850.62 ( 7Home matches). This is greatly appreciated by the club and you can be assured that the money raised will be used wisely. For your information since the end of last season we have been able to provide a new sprinkler system in the centre of the pitch with 6 sprinkler heads, and a new drain at the car park end of the ground. Without your assistance this would not have been possible.This work was in addition to our usual costs on sand ,fertiliser,re-seeding,vertidraining and other maintenance requirements.Please keep up the good work,. but in order to make best use of these resources we desperately need more regular volunteers. We are down at the ground every Tuesday and Thursday from approx. 9.15 to 2.15. come down and enjoy the fun ,tea and cake.