Ground work

Today there is an all day football event at WP .This is FOA of the volunteers like CJ,Knutsfordian et al . I am not going this morning as will not be able to access dressing rooms to start painting .

Cheers VJ see you soon.

Tuesday !! :slight_smile:

The Ground staff are in need of volunteers to help with jobs around the ground such as painting, general tidying up and various tasks, in order to get the stadium ready for next season. There is a lot of work to do.

Volunteers are required please on Tuesday & Thursday mornings and also next Saturday from 10.30am onwards.

To add to the previous posting, we appreciate all the help given however much or little time you have to spare.

Just a reminder that the ground staff would appreciate help with a variety of jobs around the ground tomorrow from 10.30 onwards. Any help, however much or little is greatly appreciated.

I can spare a few hours on Thursday morning /afternoon. I’ll be there for about 10:30 if there’s anything I can do to help?

Yes we are down so you are welcome - plenty to do always. Cheers

Witton Dads army continues with work. So far both home and away dressing rooms along with the physio room have been redecorated . The corridor sprucing up is near completion.
Outside the front windows are being painted and the yellow markings are being refreshed .It has been continuous work for past 2 months . The volunteers are always welcome . :slight_smile:

As there are two matches being played at Wincham Park in less than 24 hours, the groundstaff are asking for volunteers to assist with tidying up where needed on Saturday morning in readiness for the afternoon’s game. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.