Today’s guess the results result was as follows;
3 home wins, 1 draw & 7 aways with a total of 30 goals scored
1 correct - Jeff Metcalf
2 - Thomas Amies-King, Mark Drew(second brace of the day!), Gary Scott, Ben Thornley, Mark Harris, Danny Stewart & Crouchy
3 - Alan Spruce, Wheels, Steve Settle, Liam Coyne, Chad, Charlie Lynes, Dave Leather, G Moss & Tony Drew
4 - Geoff & Pete, Chris Sage, Robbo, Drew Haspell, Neil Wilson, John Evans, Kieran Lugsden, Greg Smith, Nige Deeley, Paul Donnelly, Paul Settle, Pete Riley, Ched & Co & Mark Brooker
5 - Mike Yoxall, Danny McQueeny & 1 sheet with no name!
6 - Chris Stubbs
7 & the winner - Mark Lyon (courtesy of the all away wins method!)
As always many thanks to everybody who took part.