Guiseley 1 Witton 1

Unable to make the game today. But I have been reliably informed that after being 1-0 down at half time Albion came back to draw 1-1 with a crackin goal from the ever dependable Mike Moseley [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Team: Gibson, Evans, Tickle, Furnival, Barlow, Yates, Stannard, Foy, Nolan, Moseley, Dicken. Sub Madin for Dicken about 75mins.<br><br>A solid display on the longest pitch I’ve even seen and are likely to see! Had to be seen to be believed - see the pics when they are up! Clear tactics to stop our usual passage of play. <br><br>As a result the game wasnt the best although Albion enjoyed much more of the ball it was hard to do a lot with it.<br><br>Their goal came mid way through the first half, cross from the right and a near post flick as such went in via Gibsons hand.<br><br>The equaliser on 57minutes through Moseley was a truely brilliant strike from about 25 yards which flew past the keeper into the roof of the net. Wow!<br><br>The game ended with 3 minutes of injury time and albion pleased with a point from an awkward looking away fixture. Sponsors MOM at guiseley was Furnival, my opinion Barlow or maybe Tickle. don’t let that fool you though we weren’t under the kosh that much!<br><br>An excellent following t0o of around 60 Wittoners.

By longest pitch Neil means the length of grass, when I first saw it I had doubts as to whether I would be able to see John Stannard at all !!<br>that added to the rather dubious size of the goal posts it was not a good advert for ground standards in the Unibond. However the Guisley fans are probably still the friendliest Yorkshire Club in the Uni.<br>As for the game in my opinion Mike Moseley and Darryl Dicken stood out with Gary and Andy but the goal was Andy’s fault and Gary did his best to throw the game away near to the end.<br>Difficult to judge the performance on such a difficult playing surface but they certainly deserved a point.

??? I take it Guiseley didn’t have to play on the same pitch as us? <br><br>Whats going to happen when it rains at an away ground.<br><br>Are we going to take photographs of puddles and post them on the website to point out the unfair advantage that the opposition are gaining?<br><br>No wonder Witton supporters have such a reputation for moaning!!! <br>

We took the pictures to show those who weren’t there as I certainly wouldn’t have believed it had I not actually seen it! Who knows some people may be interested in seeing it if they couldn’t make the game. <br><br>I didn’t think there was an awful lot else worth taking a picture of either (our camera doesn’t do action shots very well as people may have noticed previously).<br><br>It is indeed the same for both teams, (I’m sure some player prefer wet to dry, long to short etc) and to be fair we adapted well and got a decent point imo. It wasn’t a particularly good game but points win prizes and a flattering defeat would get us no where.

Nowhere do I see that anyone has used the grass length as an excuse.<br><br>What is wrong with taking some pictures to show the people who didn’t go to the game how long the grass actually was? Is there no need? Should we not provide an official match report for these people either? (Incidently where the grass length is mentioned in the OFFICIAL report.) All we’re trying to do is provide a more comprehensive report and picture for those who didn’t go.<br><br>I’m sorry if it’s not appreciated.<br><br>And yes, Guiseley did have to play on the pitch - but they were also aware of how long the grass was going to be and were able to prepare in advance. That is how the advantage comes about.

Greetings Witton fans. Stu here a Guiseley fan. Just thought I’d pop on here and explain the whole grass thing. To be honest I was shocked when I saw the length of the grass, it totally killed any passing game by either side. But I have been informed that the grass couldn’t be cut because the pitch was flooded last week. So hopefully when we take on Bamber Bridge it will be nice and short (if this blasted rain ever stops!) Anyway good to see a nice turn out of Witton fans, hope Guiseley can bring just as many to Wincham Park. Good luck to Witton Albion and it’s supporters for the rest of the season.

Was the Wincham Park grass too short last nite???

As I said to you last night Andy - if only Sprucie had put them floodlights on earlier! :wink: