Happy New Year

[smiley=banane.gif]To eve [smiley=banane.gif]ryone associated with Witton Albion, on and off the field may I wish you all a Happy and successful New Year.<br>WHS

Well some of us are stuck at work keeping the wheels of industry turning so I thought I’d add the first message of 2006 and wish everyone a hopefully very happy new year for all associated with our great little club. ;D

We can celebrate the "Bursting Bubble" that Vics have become, promotion is looking less and less likely and after defeat at Sunderland and defeat in the FA Trophy I wonder how long the owner will keep pouring money into the Vics Money Pit? Meanwhile we go from strength to strength, a win at Telford will be a great way to start the New Year. Anyone going?<br>WHS

Happy New Year everyone.<br><br>Hoping for another Witton victory tomorrow at Telford although, ill health prevents me from being there. The game has come a little too soon for me but hoping to make the cup tie on saturday.