Harrogate Town v Witton Albion

Witton team for this afternoon is as follows:<br><br>Kennedy, King, Parkinson, Pritchard, Spearritt, Connors, McGuire, Foy, Moseley, Ben Jones, Latham.<br><br>Subs: Griff Jones, Cartner, Peers, Stannard, Walker.

Latest Score: HARROGATE 1 WITTON 0

2-0 90 min goal<br>

Final Score: HARROGATE 2 WITTON 0.<br><br>Second goal coming right at the very end of the game.

Found a new word which goes with Mellor - wan*er

‘PeterMellor’, you are a liar (fact; I can back this up), a thoroughly obnoxious person and a coward (my opinions, I can produce evidence to back up my view). Do everyone a favour, do the decent thing, disappear from the face of this planet.

Thanks for doing the updates Derek.<br>Not the best game but Albion gave as good as they got and to be fair I thought did well in the circumstances of the last week.<br><br>The team as you can see was shaken up a bit and certainly performed better than Tuesday.<br><br>Connors was my MOM with Pritch a close 2nd.<br><br>Best effort I can remember was a superb run by Connors which went just wide of the far post with Jones unable to get there in time to stab it home. <br>Back to the league on Tuesday before the FA Trophy next week.<br><br>If anyone is wondering Griff jones is apparently a striker who came from Barnton, he cam on a sub in the 2nd half but didnt get much chance to make an impact.

You know it is obvious that the person signing themselves Peter Mellor is a bit of a prat, Peter Mellor was a great servant of Witton and played in ana FA Cup Final for Fulham!!! As for his comments, I can only say that no football supporter should be so disrespectful of another local club, it will be your turn to collapse again soon enough. Our Chairman loves our club but does not own it, I wonder what your Chairman will do when he gets bored of losing money hand over fist, we had one called Warrender and you know what happened there! Keep winning because as soon as it stops, so will the money.

Nice comments AL, but Mike Connet is a WINNER and doesn’t fail. His target is the football league in the next 3 years, step 1 ie back to the conference will be completed in the next 6 mnths,we will then grow bigger better and stronger as we achieve football league status - what happens then? no-one really knows but by the time MC bails out (if ever) NVFC will be a force to be reckoned and the investors will be queuing up to continue the sucess. You have seen nothing yet, this is only the very beginning of a great sucess story - can we emulate Wigan Athletic , northern premier league less than 30 years ago - probably not but stranger things have happened in this wonderful game.

Vicster, wake me up from my dream, are you on a different planet?<br><br>Big crowd yesterday, how much did he have to put in to make up the wages yesterday and every week?<br><br>Please make sensible comments, always like a laugh, but please live in the real world.<br><br>Which job will Burr take? Mansfield or Bury?

[quote]Nice comments AL, but Mike Connet is a WINNER and doesn’t fail. .[/quote]<br><br>How come he FAILED to keep you up last year then?<br>

Doesnt fail to line his own pocket.<br><br>When he goes and sells your ground, who will bail you out. <br><br>Thats right we will and take all of your money again.

Back on to the issue of our game - if anyone wants to discuss that?<br>Read the NLP report this morning, done by the home side remember, gave us a lot of credit which we can certainly take heart from.<br>So its not just me talking it up!

I am a Harrogate Town supporter and agree with our club’s website rport; viz,"it was hard on the Unibond Premier League oufit", when the second goal was scored.<br><br>I and two of my fellow supporters agreed that the best player on the pitch was Witton’s captain, No4 (Pritchard?) He had a solid game and was unlucky to be in the loosing team. Although his cynical challenge late in the match was his only ‘black mark’.

[quote]Vicster, wake me up from my dream, are you on a different planet?

Big crowd yesterday, how much did he have to put in to make up the wages yesterday and every week?

Please make sensible comments, always like a laugh, but please live in the real world.

Which job will Burr take? Mansfield or Bury? [/quote]<br><br>5K from the FA sponsors helped the low gate yesterday, not bad though considering NFU brought 6. FA cup gates are notoriously low when big clubs draw little clubs at home, but league gates are increasing game by game. Burr is’t going anywhere, Bury and Mansfield couldn’t afford him and he has stated he is very very happy at NVFC. Dream on about our Micky C selling up, he is MR NVFC and WANTS the football league.<br>