Heard this one before?

Now, you’ve probably all had this discussion before (I I dont’ mean to put the cat among the pigeons) but… who is the all time best witton player. I’ve been watching witton on and off (as work commitments have allowed) since I was 9 - the promotion season into the conference - and what a year it was. In this time the best witton player I have ever seen was without a doubt Brendan Burke, though I’m sure other greats existed before I ever graced the terraces. Any ideas?

I suppose it depends on position played as well, best goalkeeper I’ve seen at Witton was probably Keith Mason, Best defender probably Steve McNeilis, midfielder I would suggest Joe Connor and striker, either as you say Brendan Burke or my all time favourite Karl Thomas.
Suppose it also depends on your age, who we’ve actually seen play etc.

I have to go for Karl Thomas, the finest goal scorer I’ve ever seen.

for me it’s Mike Luitkevich (probably spelt wrong!) but there have been so many…Karl Thomas and Bri Pritchard to name but a couple…some of todays players i’m sure will go on to be legends aswell…

As a supporter of nearly 50 years I just missed out on the awesome teams of the late forties early fifties. I did see "Sir" Alf Ashley play in the latter part of his career. He was good but must have been brilliant in his peak. A guy I cureently have a pint with in the club Keith Higgins was a great fullback and to me a witton legend. My favourite and greatest all time Witton player was Dave "Corky" Carrick. I know Chad senior is a big admirer as well!! Dave used to win us matches on his own playing in a mediocre side. I once saw him get the ball on the edge of our penalty area, beat 7 or 8 men plus the goalkeeper, took the ball to the goaline and waited for the goalie to get back before tapping it in to the net. The lad was pure entertainment. I loved the Ken Barnes, Brian Booth, Stan allan, and Nigel Gleghorn sides. There was another Witton legend sitting in the club after Saturdays game called Brian Griffin. Brian was one of the five best centre forwards I’ve seen play for witton with immaculate first touch, strength, and the abilty to pass and lay off the ball to fellow players. He actually made two of our best strikers Peter henderson and Johnnie Walker. Geiff Jones of the cureent team is very much like Brain. Griff is a player I admire because he has a great 1st touch, is strong, brings other people into the play, is unselfish yet still scores goals himself. One further thought on the cureent team is that Stan allan bought his team, Nigel Gleghorn played in his and made it look better with his presence. Jim and Benny however have worked a miracle on a shoestring. They have got together the current team which is playing the best football I’ve seen in 14 or 15 years. There are several players in this team who would be in my top 100 Witton legends already. Long may it continue. Who needs Mourinho (we definately don’t)!!

Best Witton player - very difficult but Carl Alford springs to mind for me.

Jae dog - is there any truth in the rumour that you can get a cheap cruise for the entire Albion team as a winter break before they tackle the tough season run-in?

Can’t agree with the ‘Stan Allan bought his team theory’.

The teams he produced prior to the Colne arrivals, went very close to winning the league, and he also took us on the Trophy run where we beat Yeovil and narrowly lost to Enfield (then the best Non-league team in the country).

But I do accept that with the Crewe connection Jim and Benny are doing a fantastic job!

btw Best Player - PAUL CUDDY!

Young Andy "Chad". Wasn’t a critisism of Stan Allan. I actually got on well with him as I do with Jim now. It’s just that he got in people who had played together before at Colne which was the right thing to do as they were great players. We also had a bigger budget then which Stan used well. I think what I’m trying to say is that Jim has got a team together here on a shoestring. They all have different backgrounds come from different parts of the North West but Jim has gelled them together as a great team. I know you are a big admirer of Jim’s anyway as we all are its just that I think Jim’s is the bigger achievement due to the lack of money but I take nothing away from Stan and only wish he’s never gone to Altrincham at the time as that was the beginings of our demise. But we’re on the up now thank goodness with people like you fanatically supporting the club!!
I think your choice of Paul Cuddy is a good choice too Thought he was a great player. I also like Jim Connor who was kind of similar sweeping at the back. Just shows how hard it is and what a great club we have. So many great players and quite a number of great managers too!!