home draw for trophy

As regards attention in the press i think its a nigh on certainty that the local press are gonna concentrate on the scum’s lack of support on saturday than our fantastic away support and until we catch the local press’s eye then i believe it is going to be very difficult to get the stayaway’s to return but having said that i hope the stayaway’s return very soon and with a vengeance!! Keep it up boys and no doubt they will!! ;D [smiley=banane.gif] ;D [smiley=banane.gif] ;D

They dont seem very happy bout their new manager!<br>http://www.rdfcnet-forum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=13840

Does anybody associated with the club try to push for more exposure in the local press?? Even when Vics got hit for 8 by Brighton they had 2 pages devouted to the game in the Northwich Victoria Guardian. When we get good results it makes the bottom corner of the inside page.<br>Most people in Northwich probably don’t realise how well we are playing, and what a good side we actually hav this year.

We can help by sending positive letters to the Sports Eds of both newspapers. <br><br>THEY WILL PRINT THEM!<br><br>The Chronicle is far better balanced than the Northwich(Vics) Guardian.

Let’s all bombard them with letters then!<br><br>On a seperate note, would be good if we could entice some of the Trophy Final team from 92 down to the Rushden game. Even if we could get 2 or 3 or them down it may get a bit more interest in the game.

Get real on this issue folks<br><br>Fact of life re Albion’s coverage I’m afraid. Would you expect Oldham to have as much coverage as Man U and City in the Manchester Evening News or Tranmere with Liverpool/Everton in the Liverpool Echo.<br><br>We need to get back on level playing terms then we can expect and indeed demand news space. Case in point the 3 conference seasons.<br><br>In the meantime just keep sending letters and articles in. <br><br>Notice also that as no-one is submitting match reports etc from the Reserve team matches there has been a void this season in coverage and that has been extended to our own website and match day programme.

From the non league website, looks like Rushden were lucky to get through;<br><br>Mark Patterson, head coach at Nationwide North club Scarborough, admitted his side felt "absolutely gutted" after a last-gasp defeat in the FA Trophy on Saturday. <br><br>The Seadogs fought back from 2-0 down at Conference National club Rushden & Diamonds to quickly draw level through Tony Hackworth and Ged Dalton, only to concede again in the 3rd minute of stoppage-time. <br><br>Professional boxer Curtis Woodhouse, who grew up in nearby Driffield, struck the blow with just 19 seconds to go and then confessed Diamonds’ early opener should not have been allowed anyway as the ball didn’t cross the line. <br><br>Patterson (pictured) said: "It’s very disappointing to put in a good performance and lose like that with a lack of concentration which cost us the game right at the end. <br><br>"More importantly, it cost us money from our point of view because it would have been nice to get back home for a replay and do it all over again. <br><br>"The first goal wasn’t over the line either. I’ve never had a more honest bunch of players and even Curtis Woodhouse, who I’ve known since our Sheffield United days, said it wasn’t in. <br><br>"After that nobody took their foot of the pedal and we worked ever so hard. That’s the sort of team spirit we’ve got here. <br><br>"It’s tough for us but we got the performance we wanted. Unfortunately we didn’t get the result." <br><br>On Boro keeper Mark Wilberforce’s controversial own-goal, Woodhouse admitted: "I was on the line and the ball definitely wasn’t over. <br><br>"So we were fortunate with that one and we will take a little bit of luck along the way. It’s disappointing for them but there’s nothing you can do about it except to feel aggrieved

You are right about the Chron, it is better balanced, it always prints my missives, hope to have one in this week or next pushing for more support. Mentioned Vics so it looks balanced that way they are more likely to take it on board. Check both papers, probably next week.<br>WHS.

I’ve seen Rushden against Weymouth this season - they are an average conference side but they do have one very good lad - he’s really short but rapid, holds the ball up well and has a mean shot. He will have to be watched very closely.<br><br>

Hi All, as for away fans coming to your place it will very much depend on how we’re going (ie if we’re winning) now that the new management is in place. It could be as many as 4 - 500 on a good day. We’ve taken that amount to St. Albans and Crawley. No disrespect, but we’re just back out of the FL and when you’ve been to Hillsborough or Loftus Road I’m afraid Witton Albion doesn’t have the same "pull". There are still fans wandering around Nene Park like they’ve been in a bad car accident ?;D<br>Hope to make the trip myself as I do a delivery to Winsford and it’s just up the road.<br>That striker is Lee Tomlin and he’s been scouted and had trials at Liverpool.

Shef Weds and QPR bigger draws than the Albion?? ?What IS the world coming to?!?<br><br>Look at this way, if you’re a Rushden fan you should really be expecting a win, therefore it’s well worth making the trip. ?Also, we’re a side you’ve never met, and a ground you’ve never visited. ?OK, you’ve been to the building site that they refer to as the Victoria Stadium, but we are a much more hospitable club, where the fans really are part of the infrastructure of the club these days. ?Meet us in Northwich early doors, and we’ll show you as good an afternoon as you can get in our sleepy little town!

Depend on where the coach is going. When we went to the Vics we stopped at Middlewich, wat a misatke-a to make-a !! They wouldn’t let us into the Vics clubhouse, but it didn’t seem big enough anyway, and we were good enough to let them beat us !! :stuck_out_tongue: <br>You’re right though, in pre-season we thumped teams at your level so we should be expecting to win, but God knows what’s happening in our players heads at the moment because skill and ability wise this is the best side I’ve seen us put out since FL div, 1 (as is now). We can knock it around at pace when we’re of a mind to, but we’re a little bit lightweight with our strikers being 19 and 17 years old.

I have had a request from your coach organiser re our club and have told him your more than welcome in our club. <br>I’ve also offered to provide other info should he need it.

Be very cosy in our club if we get 300+ Rushden fans in there!! Here’s hoping anyway!!

It certainly would - case for plastic cups again maybe like the FC utd game?<br><br>I would also state he said 1 coach of 50 so I didnt see that much problem with that - I’m sure ppl from the club will have been in touch anyway. To be fair its not like the club is usually that busy so I’m sure as a 1 off we’ll cope. (would be nice to see it full though)

Just been browsing through youtube and found a scarborough fan has put a little clip on from the last round, quite good as it gives a few good views of Rushdens ground etc but also made me laugh what they put up with a picture of rushdens goalscorer, no good at putting links but if you just put ‘rushden upset’ in the search bit of youtube.com you should find it…

MY DREAM.<br> We beat Rushden and Vics lose on the south coast, then they visit us in the Senior Cup and we whup 'em!! We follow that by gaining promotion to the Nationwide North to find Vics there before us!! Too much to ask? I’ll settle for promotion.<br>WHS.

[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ8Wz9MFmSY[/url]&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;for links just copy the link you want in the address bar then add in front of it and at the end (no spaces) when you’ve pasted it into the reply box.

FA Trophy opponents Rushden & Diamonds have added to their squad in the transfer window.<br><br>Four new arrivals already at Nene Park in an attempt to move away from the relegation zone.<br><br>Midfielder Shane Hill (19), from Sheffield United and striker Jamie Cook (27) have joined the club on non contract terms.<br>Cook has also featured for Oxford United, Boston United and Stevenage Borough.<br><br>Also signed on are striker Daniel Webb, 23, son of ex Chelsea defender David from Yeovil Town on a months loan, and 22 year old midfielder, Jimmy Ghaichem from Peterborough United for the remainder of the season.

Sounds like we might be up against it a week on Saturday, still, we can do it if we get behind the lads.<br>WHS.