My information is that no new contract has been signd by NVFC at Wincham Park and that the Witton Directors have said enough is enough.<br><br>Do the Conference no that they are homeless? <br><br>Now Mr Worthington you can name your price?<br><br>Perhaps someone ought to let the press no what Connett is upto, no ground to play on a week on Saturday. Oh dear, chuck them out of the Conference because of the underhand way they are working.

Dream on!! :slight_smile:

Well Greene can you confirm that a contract has been signed, it hadn’t last night!!!

Spot on, and dream on!!<br>You’ll find out soon enough. ;)<br>

Keep your beak out hippo, all will be revealed shortly!! I think you’d better check the definition of ‘homeless’!!

Our Chairman has stated that the ONLY agreement he will make with Vs is one that takes them to the end of the season.<br><br>I wonder if Mr Conn* (man or Net) is hoping to leave it to the last minute where he can get an agreement for a song.<br><br>His negotiation skills are legendary - didn’t he pick a football club up that way???

Yeah but this time he isn’t dealing idiots who believe anything you say.

maybe their plan is to claim squatters rights and stay on indefinately

JGG, there is no negotiation, you pay what we want or you dont have a ground to play on. So thats all there is to it.<br><br>I hope MW charges your owner ?3000 per game at least and that will shut you all up once and for all. If you don’t agree where are you going to play next week

You’ll do what Mr C says Hippo. We’re the senior club here and Conference fixtures take priority, hence your matches fitting around ours. You won’t have the problem for much longer but I suspect as you still are ?105000 in debt (see chron) you’ll want every bit of dosh you can grab. As for MW wanting an agreement until the end of the season --that does’nt suprise me - the man would try anything to raise a few bob, desperation tactics in other words,but remember you’ll probably need our ground one day. Get real hippo, you should be honoured that Conference games are played at wp, afterall it’s the only time witton are put on the footballing map and MW likes to think witton are important! Loofk forward to seeing you against the shaymen.

… or perhaps MW will choose not to bite the hand that will be feeding him when you come begging for a groundshare in 12 months time … ?<br><br>word of advice: treat your masters carefully. you’ll soon be relying on us.

Right just so everyone knows what the chronicle actually printed here it is below. <br><br>On Thursday, shareholders approved accounts which showed Witton were still reducing a debt that stood at ?300,000 when the club was in administration five years ago.<br><br>At the end of June they owed ?105,000 after making a profit last season of ?19,000, which is equal to the profit they have made from renting the ground to Northwich Vics.<br><br>With Vics leaving soon, Witton have started talks with two Football League clubs seeking a home for their reserve sides.<br><br><br><br>So based on this article it shows that WITTON since coming out of admin have reduced our debt by ?195 000 to just over the ?100 000 mark. The article also states that Witton made a profit of ?19000 last season. There are several points to make here.<br><br>1. Our debt has constantly been reducing since admin and it is not going in the other direction and increasing.<br><br>2. There is an assumption that the ?19000 profit has come from renting the ground, that figure has never been disclosed as far as i am aware. <br><br>3. If this is the case that the ?19 000 profit has come from Vics rent then take it away the club is still breaking even and as already stated not losing any more money.<br><br>One final point that was also imentioned in the article is that Witton are already planning to replace the income that will be lost when Vics go by holding talks with several league clubs to host reserve games at the GMB. I would even go as far to suggest that another team might even consider sharing the stadium in the near future. Losing the income from Vics might be a blow(in fact bearing in mind that no agreement has been signed concerning the rest of the season we may have no further income to come from it) but before we had that income, the club was reducing its debt through the social club and commercial activities and it will continue to do so in the future. Having the money from Vics has eased the debt and allowed the club to accelarate some of its projects. We are all fully aware of the issues concerning the future of the land that Witton and what would happen then but these can only be addressed when something concrete actually occurs or happens. Until then its speculation and a game of chinese whispers which in a nutshell keeps a few sad people happy and does everybody else’s head in.<br><br>

Runcorn are an option as their fans despise the Halton stadium and with the way Vics are going with their ground they will probably be here next season too!

I would argue the point that as much of a pain as it may be having other games played at WP as we had a few seasons ago it was stated that pitch hire brought in around ?6k, therefore the supposed ?19k isn’t profit at all. <br>There are also other costs to consider along with that such as paying for the reserves to play at Moss Farm last season which obviously wouldn’t have been incurred had we not been renting. They are small amounts by comparison but it isn’t quite as clear cut as some people like to think it is!<br><br>If a football league club could be attracted it’d be, imo, a better deal as a whole of the club than to have a non-league club who have identical demands on our pitch as us. We shall see.