Hyde v Witton

Lost 1-0 but please don’t read too much into that score How the hell we didn’t win this game never mind get a point I will never know we battered them in the second half I can’t remember them having a shot we hit the woodwork, had chances cleared off the line and lost count of the near misses. I think we were actually happier than their fans at the end, a terrific performance keep that going and the results will soon come too.

Echo that! We started extremely brightly but they had the better of the first half.<br>Second half Witton totally outplayed and outclassed Hyde. <br>I fancy that they won’t have come closer than that to being beaten this season.<br>Hats off to all the players with particular plaudits going to Stannard and the new left back who were absolutely outstanding.<br>The reaction of the travelling 100 + Wittoners at the end said it all!<br><br>Bring on Prescot!!!<br>

One name: Steve Connors. Awesome winger who knew how to beat defenders & cross a good ball. Pritch is knew eyesight for xmas meant he was picking out 30 yard balls first time to people. We were robbed & any other day there great run would have crumbled.

Well if Dr Finlay will sign Gavin ‘‘Couldn’t hit a cows arse’’ Salmon what do you expect.

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]If that had been a boxing match the ref would have stopped it after 70 mins, we battered them, but missed chances were the problem and salmon did not have a chance to miss ? however, foy, mossley, barlow, king, stannard all had great chances, overall a great performance, only disapointing thing was burton starting instead of stannard !! no reflection on burton but stannard was superb when he came on at half time, looked very quick, never wasted a pass and put in 6-7 great crosses that should have lead to goals, so far the mgr has made 4 signings and for sure imo 2 are real quality in connor and farley, I think the jury is out on king and its to early to judge salmon ? but not sure he looks a partner for mossely more like a sub for him ? opinions welcomed. well done today witton the effort and quality was superb and ill leave it with a comment from a hyde fan to his mate as we were walking off " how the f— did we win that game" looking forward to the next game already as will the other 200 ish wittoners who must have gone to hyde.

Very, very very unlucky to lose, apart from a couple of unfortunate injuries I think Hyde used all their luck up for the whole season today and u need luck to win any championship. Having said that you have to hit the net and we unbelievably failed but ahh thats football :'(<br>Thanks for the efforts lads [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br> Best of wishes and speedy recovery to the Hyde player who was carried off.

Nice to get out of the house for some football, even better to come away from it feeling that the Albion could and should have won.<br><br> :stuck_out_tongue: Shame about the result though…<br><br>Have to give credit to Hyde for getting the pitch playable. At the same time a very slippery playing surface (did it contribute to the goal?)and a ref who was prepared to take this into account even if he seemed to miss a few decisions which ought to have gone our way. <br><br>If that seems a bit biased then it’s mainly because Hyde were played off the park for most of the second half, therefore most of the incidents seemed to be in favour of a Hyde team who were clinging on at the end. Albion exploited a team which after the second injury was really short on defenders and it will remain a mystery to most of us how at least one of the many chances didn’t go in, we had improbable goal-line clearances, one absolutely outstanding reflex save from the keeper, an Adam Foy header which just went wide and MM had several chances which he would normally have buried. Must be payback time for the six points last year!!!<br><br>Likewise, hope the lad who was carried off is ok. A lot of us were unhappy with the lack of a free kick as he hurt himself flattening Mike Moseley but I hope it was noted that he was applauded off. By the way Hyde, aren’t you supposed to have medical staff on duty?<br><br>

Outstanding stuff.<br>Given our recent away form/performances/results that was ridiculous. [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]<br><br>Some of the passing and deliveries were excellent imo. Just the finishing which was lacking on this occasion, another day it’d have been well out of sight.<br><br>Have to feel sorry for Gibbo must have been frozen 2nd half with so little to do.<br><br>Medical staff, who knows we have to pay to have St. Johns Ambulance to be there EVERY game. Is this a cost we can avoid as its not necessary? Yes we did clap him off, not sure what he did but when you climb that high on someones back you might hurt yourself coming down!<br><br>CJ, I thought King had his best game yet and some of the first time passes on the deck were very good if not always executed. (At least he was looking forwards)<br>As for Connors, I was mighty impressed, he showed tremendous promise and I look forward to seeing him run at some more defences. As for Salmon, seemed to tire in the 2nd half but his distribution seemed good and when he did loose the ball on a few occasions I thought he was pushed in the back! (at least he wasn’t like the sack of spuds they had up front).<br><br>That brings you on to the officals - not great, possibly one of the worst tackles from where I was stood was Salmon in the 2nd half when he appeared to fly in 2 footed, didn’t even seem to bother the ref.<br><br>Lets hope that Prescot game is on and we can carry on where we left off…<br><br>Finally 600? not convinced myself but we certainly had a good following.<br>It was nice not to have to travel 250+ for an away game anyway.

In the past I’ve been questioned for being happy when we’ve lost, and yes it does seem weird, but considering I thought we’d be trying to keep the score down, I’m made up with the performance.<br><br>How we did not win, I do not know, but the quality of football we played was excellent. Mike M must be trying to save his one hundredth goal for Wincham Park, if only to hear Chad on the tannoy!!! It was great to see other fantastic chances coming from midfield (something we’ve complained about in the past) so it was good to see King, Barlow, Foy and Stannard (hey ho - the WHOLE midfield had a go!!) having shots on goal.<br><br>I thought Jordan King looked very impressive, Adam Farley was solid at the back and put in some great crosses, and Steven Connors - well - what can I say? The young lad done good!! Get him in midfield where he belongs!! Gav looked lost up front in the second half; maybe he’s not fit but I’m sure things will get better from him.<br><br>Surprised at a few things today at Hyde - no doctor at the ground - and no price lists up on the extremely slow tea huts. Surely not having to repeat what sort of pies you have to every customer will help to speed things up?? Simple things.<br>

St Johns Ambulance were definitely at the game. I saw them in the first half and at the end of the match. Don’t know why they didn’t come on for the injury.<br><br>The reason there’s no price lists at the tea huts is because the price seems to go up every week!<br><br>Nice to see a vocal away following at Hyde…for once.<br><br>No doubt that Witton dominated the game, but as said elsewhere - we got the goal :D<br><br>p.s - is Lee Madin still with you?

Fair enough on the Ambulance - I thought it odd our assistant manager had to help out!<br><br>Yes Lee Madin is still with us, and was at the game. Suprisingly dropped imo.<br><br>Goals certainly win games - no argument there. It reminds me of the matlock home game - we won 1-0 but god were we poor!

In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s some sort of crazy rule which means that the St Johns Ambulance men can’t go on the pitch because they don’t have the right type of footwear.<br><br>Don’t quote me on that, but I remember a pretty serious injury to one of our players a few years ago and they weren’t allowed on the pitch. I’m not sure if it’s something that Hyde enforce as a club and if it is it’s pretty stupid…

the worrying thing for Witton is playing well and getting beat - what if you play poorly as I understand you have been on more than one occasion this season.

Then we will probably win like quite a few games this year. At least were starting to move in the right direction now. Any chance on selling WP and moving in with Hyde considering how we always play there?

[quote]the worrying thing for Witton is playing well and getting beat - what if you play poorly as I understand you have been on more than one occasion this season.[/quote]<br>Well, well, well, if it ain’t our old friend the Observer. Back for more punishment? Get those phrases polished and shiny, or else I’ll pounce. What do you think will happen if we play as "poorly" as you understand we have done "on more than one occasion this season"?

:o Quote of the day from a Hyde United supporter, midway through the second-half:-<br><br>"Come on Tigers, let’s get the second goal we deserve!"<br><br>P.S. If Mike Moseley had had his shooting boots on, could easily have ended up a 5-1 Albion win in my opinion.