I Believe That Children Are Our Future!

[smiley=applause_smiley.gif]Could I say a huge thank you to Jim Vince, Benny, Pritch and Mike Moseley for the coaching session they put on last night at the ground for the Davenham Beaver Scouts.<br><br>The 24 kids had a great time and came away with a superb impression of OUR football club.<br><br>We have also issued complimentary tickets to the children and their families for the game against Burscough.<br><br>If anyone else is involved with junior organisations and would like to encourage their kids and families to come and support the club then please contact me. <br><br>AC<br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Big up Andy well done mate your right the youngsters are the future.<br>Well done to all involved lets hope we can start pushing our gates back up and let the youngsters see what great football is going down at our ground at the mo. <br>Well done again to the staff and well done Andy for trying to push it further.<br> [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif] [smiley=applause_smiley.gif]

Sorry I omitted to thank Neil for the freebies/souvenirs the club gave to the kids, and GE for producing the tickets.<br>

<br>"Greatest Love( Team) Of All"<br>( sing to the tune of Whitneys song)<br>I believe Wittons children are our are future <br>Teach them well and let them lead the way <br>Now we got a fantastic side <br>Give them a sense of pride to wear the red and white<br>Let the children’s banter remind us how we used to be <br>Everybody searching for a hero <br>People need someone to look up to <br>We have found someone who fulfils our needs &lt;br&gt;We dont need Mourinho we`ve got Jim Vincio <br><br><br>[Chorus:]<br>I decided long ago, never to walk in the green and white’s shadow <br>We will win we will succeed <br>And At least we follow what we believe <br>No matter what other teams might say<br>There no way of stopping our style of play<br><br> <br>Because the greatest love of all <br>Is happening to me <br><br>Come on Witton <br>Come on Witton<br>

Chuffed to death that all went well last night and the group enjoyed the whole experience. Better than last season’s trip to the newest ground in Wincham eh?<br><br>Hope to see a few of them at the match next week and here’s hoping others take up the offer of visits to facilities that a lot take for granted.<br><br>Finally just like to add my gratitude to the Albion personnel involved.

I was away when the team did something like this for the Juniors the other day, Made up that the seniors are getting involved, hoping to prove a good few Doubters wrong!